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AP World History Unit 2 Flashcards

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7624192407HinduismA religion that began in India and dates back to 1500 B.C., making it the world's oldest religion0
7624326905Hindu BeliefsWhose beliefs consist of believing in a single Divinity or supreme God that is present in everything called Brahma and also believe in other gods who are aspects of that supreme God such as Shiva, Shakti, and Ganesh?1
7624445020Hindu Gods and GoddessesWhat religion's Gods and Goddesses are very colorful and have many extra limbs and heads?2
7624522908ReincarnationThe belief that the soul repeatedly goes through a cycle of being born into a body, dying, and being reborn again in a new body to perfect yourself, soul, or energy.3
7624539067Karma (effect)A force that determines the quality of each life.4
7624545784Dharma (cause)How well one behaved in a past life.5
7624591180MokshaEach time a Hindu soul is born into a better life, it has the opportunity to improve itself further, and get closer to ultimate liberation, what is this liberation called?6
7657990558Varna (Hindu Caste System)Braha (Priests and Scholars), Chetri Kshatriya (Ruler and Warrior), Vaishya (Merchant, Trader, and Artisans), Shudra (Farmer and Laborers), and untouchables (nobody wants to be around them)7
7658083432The VedasSacred writing which consists of collections of Sanskrit hymns.8
7658104425KrishnaBrahma in human form9
7658160585Indus Valley CivilizationA light-skinned, nomadic people from the Black Sea Region known as the Indo-Europeans or Aryans migrated to the Indian sub-continent10
7658234840SanskritIndo-European culture developed the language and literary form called?11
7658286936Vedic AgeThe early part of Indian History12
7658318925Chandragupta MauryaFirst rises to power in the Ganges River Basin13
7684239462BrahmaGod of Hinduism14
7684272230SamsaraThe nature of multiple lives in Hinduism and Buddhism15
7684311458uniformed coined-money system, treatise of government, tox codes, adoption of sub-governments, and economic departmentMauryan Dynasty set up:16
7684393270AshokaAdopted Buddhism midlife, thus establishing a more moderate and diverse empire17
7684522249Siddhartha GautamaThe first Buddhist18
7684549095Nirvana"Moksha" Liberating your soul from suffering19
7684561235The Middle WayDo not live life in extremes20
7684582216The Four Noble Truth1. Life is full of Suffering 2. Desire causes suffering 3. Stop suffering by stopping desire 4. The noble eightfold path leads you to Nirvana21
7684649875TripitakaThe holy book of Buddhism22
7684683525TheravadaTraditional Buddhism which primarily spreads into East Asia and does not have a God23
7684839045Gupta EmpireMauryan Empire falls due to internal dynastic disputes and new Middle Eastern empires24
7684850374Chandra GuptaEstablishes Gupta dynasty, models rule after Mauryan, conquers most of India, and creates India's "Golden Age"25
7684901594Development of Gupta InstitutionsEconomic institutions, Political Institutions, Religious Institutions, Conquered by Huns by 550 C.E.26
7708362233Silk RoadNetwork of roads connecting China to Rome and started in 200 B.C. for trade27
7708457332Warring States PeriodStates in constant chaos with each other to try and create "One China"28
7708475784Qin DynastyA dynasty lead by Shi Huangdi "First emperor" and conquered other city-states in the waning decades of the Warring states Period29
7708662365Han DynastyA dynasty that is lead by Liu Bang and overthrew the Qin Dynasty and lead for 400 years.30
7746865796ConfucianismAn ethical system created by Confucius (Kongzi) near the end of the Zhou Dynasty or during the Warring States period. This is not a religion and is based upon the idea that every individual plays a necessary role for the greater societal good.31
7747233039DaoismEthical system that promotes balance between extremes, and living simple within the balance of nature.32
7747290145Han Dynastyinvented wood-pulp paper33
7747377415Han Dynasty FallCaused by large expenses, governors keeping a majority of taxes, commoners avoiding military service, and natural disasters and bad harvest.34
7773322214Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans (Rome)These three ethnic groups inhabit the Italian peninsula35
7773384119Twelve Tables (Rome)Ancient legislation that served as foundation of constitution and posted in Forum so every Roman could view them. All free citizens had a right to the protection of the law and it was very similar to the Bill of Rights.36
7773397315Romeestablished the first Democratic Republic37
7773428830Separation of Powers (Rome)Co-equal branches of gov't that have control over different parts of the gov't38
7773433611Senate (Rome)Aristocratic branch that created laws and had administrative powers39
7773439003Assemblies (Rome)Plebeian legislators elected by plebeians according to where they live40
7773476144Consols (Rome)2 officials that had the power of kings, commanded the military, and 1 year terms; couldn't serve until another 10 year passed41
7773490595Praetors (Rome)8 judges who oversaw criminal and civil laws42
7773496125Patricians (Rome)Wealthy landlords who inherited their wealth and power.43
7773501222Plebeians (Rome)Middle class (merchants, farmers) who are gaining wealth and power44

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