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AP US History Unit 3 Constitutions Flashcards

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5148335179Articles of Confederationplaced the coercive powers to tax and regulate trade within the individual state governments, created a weak central government0
5148335180Land Ordinance of 1785demanded that Western Territories be surveyed in six-mile-square townships before sale1
5148337128Northwest Ordinance of 1787established governments for the West2
5148340456Spain closes Mississippi to the Americasin 1784, the Spanish closed the Mississippi River to commerce, blocking settlers living beyond the Appalachians from goods3
5148346949economic issues under AOChigh amounts of debt after Revolutionary War, no federal authority to tax, and no federal authority to enforce American borders and trade rights4
5149679842Shay's Rebellionin 1786, Daniel Shays and his followers marched on Springfield to prevent the Massachusetts Supreme Court from meeting to prevent foreclosures. They were routed but still won some concessions5
5149679843Annapolis Convention1786 convention in Maryland of all states to discuss common problems of commerce. Only five delegates appeared, so no changes were made6
5149681919Constitutional Convention of 1787convention proposed by Alexander Hamilton to fix defects in Articles of Confederation. It eventually drafted the Constitution7
5149681920Virginia Plana plan that supported representation based on state population that was drafted by James Madison and presented by Edmund Randolph8
5149684131James Madisondrafted the Virginia plan, one of the authors of the Federalist Papers9
5149684132Edmund Randolphpresented the Virginia Plan10
5149686599New Jersey Plana plan that supported equal representation regardless of state population that was presented by William Paterson11
5149686600William Patersonpresented the New Jersey Plan12
5149686601Great Compromisea bill would need to pass both the House of Representatives and Senate to become a law. The House of Representative would be based on population, while the Senate would grant two senators to each state13
5149689347Three-Fifths Compromise3/5ths of a slave count towards taxation and representation purposes14
5149691771Electoral Collegea system for electing presidents, where states are granted electors based on their population15
5149693458judicial reviewcourts can annul laws if they are against the Constitution16
5149693459federalistspeople who favored the Constitution17
5149693460antifederalistspeople who opposed the Constitution18
5149695947Federalist Papersa series of essays defending the Constitution19
5149748087Alexander Hamiltonproposed the Constitutional Convention, one of the authors of the Federalist Papers20

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