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AP World History Flashcards

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5016778695Symptoms of civilizationsAgriculture, writing, social structure, form of government0
5016853786civilization benefits1 place, rules, agriculture,1
5016861144drawbacks civilizationsnot everyone equal,2
5016863950hunter gathersno inequality, less sickness3
5016891817Geography river valleyMiddle East, 2 rivers for farming and trade few natural barriers4
5016939032compare river valley civilizationswriting forms, government form, frequent invasions, polytheism5
5016947106contrast river valley civilizationssome isolated (Egypt), beliefs,6
5017013404Classical VS River ValleyClassical-more trade, religions, stronger governments, advanced in science, math, writing, organized military River Valley- lesser versions of whats listed above. the basics of technology7
5017036265DynastiesZhou- ruled through alliances with regional rulers Qin- ruler was strict put China back together, son was in idiot ruined everything. Great Wall Han- "golden age" expansion, trade, enforced peace. Wealthy Son of Heaven- god choose the next ruler8
5017153534Daoism VS ConfucianismDaoism- like the stoner people, nature's natural course, politics less important, govt laid back stay out of others life. Confucianism- political loyalties, humans can always improve, strict social relationships, getting rid of the bad, education9
5017213193China economy/tradesome trade grew with dyanisty, agriculture advancements, bureaucracy10
5017249190China, social relationssocial order, bureaucrats peasants mean people. Men ruled woman must do what man said11
5017266113Aryan impactsSanskrit- language, CASTE SYSTEM12
5017279465Caste systemStrict social class system. Born into your caste didn't move out of that caste. If you followed all the rules reincarnated into better caste. Hinduism followed caste system Buddhism more against caste.13

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