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AP Psychology: Sleep and Dreams Flashcards

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5777935089DreamA sequence of images, emotions and thoughts passing through a sleeping person's mind.0
5777935780REMSleep phase during which dreams occur.1
5777936303InsomniaPersistent problems in falling asleep or staying asleep (the most common sleep disorder).2
5778613054NarcolepsyA sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. The sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inappropriate times. VERY rare3
5778616808Sleep ApneaA sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings. Overweight men are most likely to have this.4
5778623140Night TerrorsA sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified; unlike nightmares, these occur only during stage 4 sleep, within 2/3 hours of falling asleep and are seldom remembered. Happens mostly to children.5
5778631993Manifest ContentAccording to Freud, the remembered story line of a dream6
5778634339Freud__________________ believed that dreams provide a psychic safety valve that discharges otherwise unacceptable things.7
5778636369Latent ContentAccording to Freud, the underlying meaning of a dream.8
5778643193MemoriesOne theory on dreams states that dreams may help fix the day's experiences into ____________________________.9
5778646354Brain activityOne dream theory states that the _____________ _______________ associated with REM sleep provides the sleeping brain with periodic stimulation.10
5778654191NeuralOne dream theory states that random _________________ activity takes place when we dream, and dreams are our body's way of making sense of it.11
5778660235CognitiveOne dream theory states that dreams reflect ____________________ development.12
5778663133REM reboundThe tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation.13
5778669596Sleep deprivationThe following are the effects of___________ _________: Weakened immune system Diminished productivity Increased cortisol levels Impaired concentration14
5781791192Circadian RhythmsOccur on a 24 hour cycle and include sleep and wakefulness;"Biological clock".15
5781795468MelatoninThe sleep hormone; darkness promotes the release of this.16
578179629590How many minutes is the average sleep cycle?17
57817970211In which sleep stage do the brain waves look similar to those of a day dreamer?18
57817974422In this sleep stage the waves produced are theta waves and are spindles.19
57817986903/4These are the sleep stages with the deepest sleep and that produce delta waves.20
5781799597Sleep cycle21
5781800810REM sleepThis is often called paradoxical sleep; beta waves indicate this sleep stage.22
5781804028Pineal glandThis produces melatonin and helps maintain the circadian rhythm23
5781805476Suprachiasmatic nucleusLocated in the Hypothalamus this is concerned with the regulation of physiological circadian rhythms.24
5781809287Sleep protectsThis sleep theory states that sleep is evolutionarily advantageous because when animals are sleeping in a cave they are protected from predators and other threats.25
5781813376Memory storageSleep theory that states that sleep's purpose is to restore, rebuild, and process the previous day's events.26
5781813375Sleep helps us recuperateSleep theory that states that sleep helps to repair and restore brain tissue; sleep also helps flush toxins from the brain.27
5781819694Sleep and growthSleep theory that states that when sleeping we produce growth hormones.28
5781821841Sleep walkingA sleep disorder most common in children in which the victim walks in their sleep. Occurs during stage 4 sleep.29
5781821842Sleep talkingA sleep disorder most common in children in which victims speak in their sleep. Occurs during stage 4 sleep.30
5781824674Sleep eatingA sleep disorder most common in children in which victims eat in their sleep. Occurs during stage 4 sleep.31
5781824803Wish fulfillmentFreud's theory that repressed desires are expressed through dreams.32
5781826748Social Influence TheoryStates that hypnotic subjects may simply be imaginative actors plating a social role (they do what they think they are supposed to)33
5781828771Divided Consciousness TheoryStates that hypnosis is a special state of consciousness.34
5781819695Sleep and creative thinkingSleep theory that states that decision making and creative thinking are improved after sleeping.35

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