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APES Unit 4 Flashcards

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8447239727PopulationGroup of organisms of same species that live in the same area at the same time and reproduce fertile offspring.0
8447239728Biotic PotentialUnrestrained population growth.1
8447239729Exponential GrowthGrowth at a constant rate of increase per unit of time. Represented with a "J Shaped" curve2
8447239730Carrying Capacity (k)Maximum number of individuals that cane be supported.3
8447239731Logistic GrowthSlow down in population growth as population reaches carrying capacity begins to level out. Represented by a "S/Sigmoidal growth curve).4
8447239732Boom and Bust CycleRapid population growth followed by a rapid decline that occurs above and below the carrying capacity.5
8447239733Density Dependent Limiting FactorsFactors that limit the growth of a population that are influenced by the number of individuals. (predation, disease, parasitism, predation, competition, and physiological stress)6
8447239734Density Independent Limiting FactorsFactors that limit the growth of a population no matter the size of the population. (HIPPOC and natural disasters)7
8447239735r selected speciesReproductive strategy defined by many offspring with limited parental investment and high infant mortality.8
8447239736k selected speciesReproductive strategy defined by few offspring with high parental investment and low infant mortality.9
8447239737Survivorship curveRelative longevity among species represented by curves that depict the number of individuals that survive to at various ages.10
8447239738Survivorship Curve 1Mortality peaks later in life.11
8447239739Survivorship Curve 2Probability of death is unrelated to age.12
8447239740Survivorship Curve 3Mortality peaks early in life.13
8447239741Crude Birth RateBirths/1,000 people14
8447239742Crude Death RateDeaths/1,000 people15
8447239743Rate of natural increaseGrowth rate that only include births and deaths.16
8447239744ImmigrationIndividuals entering a population17
8447239745EmigrationIndividuals exiting a population18
8447239746Growth RateBIDE (birth+immigration) - (death+emigration) = +/- growth rate19
8447239747Sex RatioDifference between the number of reproducing females and reproducing males that can affect birth rate20
8447239748Doubling timeThe time it will take for a population double.21
8447239749Age Structure DiagramGraph that shows the number of males and females alive at various age groups in a population.22
8447239750Total Fertility Rate (TFR)Average number of children born per women during their lifetime.23
8447239751Replacement Level FertilityThe TFR that keeps a population stable24
8447239752Demographic TransitionThe difference in birth and death rates as a population transitions from fast doubling time to a slow doubling time.25
8447239753Pre-industrial / Pre-modern stage (stage 1)High birth rates and death rates26
8447239754Transitioning / Industrializing (stage 2)High birth rates and falling death rates27
8447239755Industrial (stage 3)Falling birth rates and low death rates28
8447239756Post industrial (stage 4)Low birth rates and low death rates29
8447239757Wealth GapUnequal distribution of wealth and consumption around the world. The wealthiest nations consume the bulk of the earth's resources and is responsible for the bulk of environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.30
8447239758Food securityThe ability to receive adequate nutrition on a regular basis31
8447239759FamineLarge scale food shortage, massive starvation, social disruption, and economic chaos32
84472397603 Major cropsWheat, corn, and rice33
8447239761CAFOConfined Animal Feeding Operation34
8447239762Environmental Consequences of Meat/Dairy/Egg ConsumptionDeforestation, grassland degradation, green house gas production, fresh water consumption, animal waste production, antibiotic resistance, over use of hormones and additives, and loss of biodiversity35
8447239763Commercial Fishing MethodsDragnet, Troweling, Longline36
8447239764Bycatch/BykillThe unintended marine life caught and killed in commercial fishing.37
8447239765Aquaculture /Fish farmingMarine CAFOS38
8447239766Green RevolutionMovement that promoted the use of monoculture/monocrops that rely on the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and larger amounts of water than native species in order to produce higher yields in many parts of the world.39
8447239767GMOGenetically Modified Organisms - crops whose DNA has been altered to withstand various biotic and abiotic factors40
8447239768Issues of Food WasteWaste of water, soil, and land. Unnecessary application of pesticides and fertilizers. Lost landfill space. Methane production from landfill.41

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