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AP Psychology AP Review Flashcards

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9659987854psychologythe study of behavior and mental processes0
9659987855biological approachgenetics, close-relatives, body functions (approach)1
9659987856evolutionary approachspecies - helped with survival (ancestors) (approach)2
9659987857psychodynamic approach(Freud) subconscious, repressed feelings, unfulfilled wishes (approach)3
9659987858behavioral approachlearning (classical and operant) observed (approach)4
9659987859cognitive approachthinking affects behavior (approach)5
9659987860humanistic approachbecoming a better human (behavior, acceptance) (approach)6
9659987861descriptive, correlational, and experimentaltypes of research methods7
9659987862case studystudies one person in depth may not be typical of population8
9659987863surveystudies lots of people not in depth9
9659987864naturalistic observationobserve + write facts without interference10
9659987865correlational methodshows relation, but not cause/effect scatterplots show research11
9659987866experimental methoddoes show cause and effect12
9659987867sampleactual people who will be used (randomness reduces bias)13
9659987868random assignmentchance selection between experimental and control groups14
9659987869control groupnot receiving experimental treatment receives placebo15
9659987870experimental groupreceiving treatment/drug16
9659987871independent variabledrug/procedure/treatment17
9659987872dependent variableoutcome of using the drug/treatment18
9659987873confounding variablecan affect dependent variable beyond experiment's control19
9659987874scientific methodtheory hypothesis operational definition revision20
9659987875theorygeneral idea being tested21
9659987876hypothesismeasurable/specific statement22
9659987877sensory neuronstravel from sensory receptors to brain23
9659987878motor neuronstravel from brain to "motor" workings24
9659987879interneurons(in brain and spinal cord) connecting motor and sensory neurons25
9659987880neurotransmitterschemical messengers27
9659987881excitatory charge"Let's do it!"28
9659987882inhibitory charge"Let's not do it!"29
9659987883central nervous systembrain and spinal cord are part of the30
9659987884peripheral nervous systemsomatic nervous system autonomic nervous system31
9659987885somatic nervous systemvoluntary movements are controlled by32
9659987886autonomic nervous systeminvoluntary movements (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems)33
9659987887sympathetic nervous systemarousing34
9659987888parasympathetic nervous systemcalming35
9659987889endocrine systemslow uses hormones in the blood system36
9659987890master glandpituitary gland37
9659987891frontal lobejudgement, personality, processing (Phineas Gage accident) (part of brain)38
9659987892parietal lobemath and spatial reasoning (part of brain)39
9659987893temporal lobeaudition and recognizing faces (part of brain)40
9659987894occipital lobevision (part of brain)41
9659987895corpus callosumsplit in the brain to stop hyper-communication (eliminate epileptic seizures)42

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