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APES Chapter 1 (visual) Flashcards

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4746628512environmentthe sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life0
4746628513environmental sciencethe field that looks at interactions among human systems and those found in nature1
4746628514systemany set of interacting components that influence one another by exchanging energy or materials2
4746628515ecosystema particular location on Earth whose interacting components include living or nonliving components3
4746628518environmentalista person who participates in environmentalism6
4746628519environmentalisma social movement that seeks to protect the environment through lobbying, activism, and education7
4746628520environmental studiesa broader field that environmental science is a subset of which it also includes, environmental policy, economics, literature, and ethics8
4746628521ecosystem servicesthe processes by which life-supporting resources such as clean water, timber, fisheries, and agricultural crops are produced9
4746628522environmental indicatorsdescribe the current state of an environmental system10
4746628523sustainabilityliving on Earth in a way that allows us to use its resources without depriving future generations of those resources11
4746628524biodiversitythe diversity of life forms in an environment12
4746628525speciationthe evolution of new species13
4746628526background extinction ratethe average rate at which species go extinct over the long term14
4746628527greenhouse gasesheat-trapping gases in the atmosphere15
4746628528anthropogeniceffects derived from human activities16
4746628529developmentimprovement in human hell-being through economic advancement17
4746628530sustainable developmentdevelopment that balances current human well-being and economic advancement with resource management for the benefit of future generations18
4746628531ecological footprinta measure of how much that person consumes, expressed in area of land19
4746628532scientific methodan objective way to explore the natural world, draw inferences from it, and predict the outcome of certain events, processes, or changes20
4746628533hypothesisa testable conjecture about how something works21
4746628534null hypothesisa statement or idea that can falsified, or proved wrong22
4746628535replicationthe process of taking several sets of measurements23
4746628536sample sizenumber of times a measurement is replicated or the number of sets of measurements24
4746628537uncertaintyan estimate of how much a measured or calculated value differs from a true value25
4746628538inductive reasoningthe process of making general statements from specific facts or examples26
4746628539deductive reasoningthe process of applying a general statement to specific facts or situations27
4746628540critical thinkingthe process of reading findings with a critical eye; questioning the source of the information, considering the methods of processes that were used to obtain the information, and drawing your own conclusions28
4746628541theorya hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed by multiple groups of researchers and has reached wide acceptance29
4746628542natural lawa theory to which there are no known exceptions and which has withstood rigorous testing30
4746628543control groupa group that experiences exactly the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the single variable under study31
4746628544natural experimentoccurs when a natural event acts as an experimental treatment in an ecosystem32
4746628545environmental justicea social movement and field of study that works toward equal enforcement of environmental laws and the elimination of disparities, whether intended or unintended, in how pollutants and other environmental harms are distributed among the various ethnic and socioeconomic groups within a society33

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