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AP World History- Religion Flashcards

Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism

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10691714835Founder of BuddhismSiddhartha0
10691714836Founder of ConfucianismConfucius1
10691714837Founder of JudaismAbraham2
10691714838Founder of ChristianityJesus3
10691714839Time/Orgin of ConfucianismZhou/Han Dynasty4
10691714840Time/Orgin of IslamMiddle East in Time Period 3 (600CE-1450CE)5
10691714841Time/Orgin of JudaismMiddle East (Israel) in Time Period 1 (8000BCE-600BCE)6
10691714842Time/Orgin of ChristianityMiddle East (Israel) in Time Period 2 (600BCE-600CE)7
10691714843Time/Orgin of HinduismIndia in, possibly, Time Period 1 (google said 1500BCE)8
10691714844Text/House of Worship for BuddhismStupa9
10691714845Text/House of Worship for ConfucianismAnalects/ na10
10691714846Text/House of Worship fo JudaismTorah/Synagogue11
10691714847Text/House of Worship for ChristianityBible/Church12
10691714848Text/House of Worship for HinduismVedas/Temple13
10691714849Leader of BuddhismBuddha, monks14
10691714850Leader of of ConfucianismConfucius, Han15
10691714851Leader of JudaismRabbi16
10691714852Leader of ChristianityPriest, Pastor, Pope17
10691714853Deities and beliefs of Buddhism-no gods -peace -eight fold path (right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration) -4 noble truths -Nirvana (ultimate enlightenment)18
10691714854Deities and beliefs of Confucianism-no gods -5 key relationships (ruler/subject, parent/child, husband/wife, sibling/sibling, friend/friend)19
10691714855Deities and beliefs of Judaism-10 commandments20
10691714856Deities and beliefs of Christianity-holy trinity -Christmas/Easter -10 commandments21
10691714857Deities and beliefs of Hinduism-Brahma (Supreme God), Shiva, Vishnu -caste system -dharms (duty), karma (sum of good actions and bad actions), samsara (continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) -moksha (like Nirvana)22

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