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AMSCO AP World History Chapter 7 Flashcards

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12083539806Hagia SophiaMost famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.0
12083539807theocracyA government ruled by or subject to religious authority.1
12083539808patriarchthe male head of a family or tribe2
12083539809monasteriesReligious community where Christians called monks gave up their possessions and devoted their lives to serving God.3
12083539810Cyrillicrelating to the Slavic alphabet derived from the Greek and traditionally attributed to St. Cyril; in modified form still used in modern Slavic languages4
12083539811schism(n.) a formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile factions5
12083539812Eastern Orthodox ChurchChristian followers in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire); split from Roman Catholic Church and shaped life in eastern Europe and western Asia6
12083539813theme systemSystem of administration and defense perfected by Byzantine king Leo III that organized the empire into provinces, each under the command of a military governor7
12083539814illuminated manuscriptsa handwritten book decorated with bright colors and precious metals8
12083539815BulgarsAsiatic people who migrated to the Balkans and conquered large parts of Eastern empire along the Danube9
12083539816University of ConstantinopleEstablished in AD 85, this was one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in the Western World10
12083539817HippodromeBuilt by Justinian; A huge stadium; Held athletic events and games, especially chariot races. Seated 60,000 people located in Constantinople. Site of Nika Revolt.11
12083539818OlegFirst Viking to settle in Kiev and the founder of the Russian state Kievan Rus12
12083539819Dnieper Riverriver between the Black and Baltic Seas that was part of a Byzantine trade route13
12083539820Kievan RusA monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine14
12083539821boyarsRussian landholding aristocrats; possessed less political power than their western European counterparts15
12083539822Prince Vladimirthe prince of Kiev who made the entire city convert to Christianity in 988 AD16
12083539823Yaroslav the WiseHe ruled Kiev (1019-1054), forged trading alliances with western Europe, and created a legal code17
12083539824Russkaya PravdaIt was the "Russian Truth (justice or law)". It was their own law code. It showed signs of an advanced society, more so than Europe. There were crimes against property as well as interest rates implemented which was very sophisticated. It, like everything, was based off of Byzantium law. But was much more mild.18
12083539825Byzantiumthe civilization that developed from the eastern Roman Empire following the death of the emperor Justinian (C.E. 565) until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.19
12083539826Corpus Juris CivilisNew code of the Roman Law decided by Justinian I in 529 CE that made Orthodox Christianity the law of the land. It means the "body of civil law".20
12083539827HeracliusEmperor who defeated the Persians and the Slavs and created the position of "theme"21
12083539828Basil IIMacedonian emperor who campaigned against the Bulgars and annexed Bulgaria, Crete, Cyprus, and Syria, expanding the empire to the Euphrates22
12083539829Battle of KleidionBulgars vs. Byzantium. Byzantium wins.23
12083539830Byzantine EmpireHistorians' name for the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century until its downfall to the Ottomans in 1453. Famous for being a center of Orthodox Christianity and Greek-based culture.24
12083539831JustinianByzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruler by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code25
12083539832Battle of ManzikertBattle between the Byzantines and Seljuk Turks; Byzantines destroyed and way paved for the Seljuk Turk invasion into present day Turkey26
12083539833CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.27
12083539834Fourth CrusadeCrusade called for by Pope Innocent III in 1204 in which crusaders went rogue and sacked Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire was eventually restored in 126128
12083539835NormansA member of a Viking people who raided and then settled in the French province later known as Normandy, and who invaded England in 106629
12083539836SlavsThe ancestors of the Czechs, Slovaks, Croatians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Poles, and Russians30
12083539837VikingsInvaders of Europe that came from Scandinavia31
12083539838RusThis kingdom expanded its territory thousands of miles Eastward during the 19th century and also sought to take advantage of a weakened Ottoman Empire.32

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