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AP World History- Must Know Vocabulary Flashcards

AP World History "Must Know" Vocabulary Terms from Unit 1-Unit 6

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9974382858Agricultural RevolutionA term that refers to the changeover from food gathering to food production that occurred between ca. 8000 and 2000 B.C.E. (Neolithic Revolution)0
9974382859Neolithic RevolutionA term that refers to the changeover from food gathering to food production that occurred between ca. 8000 and 2000 B.C.E. (Agricultural Revolution)1
9974382860AristocracyThe highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices2
9974382861BarbarianA member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations (Greek, Roman, Christian) in ancient times3
9974382862BrahminsBrahmin refers to an individual belonging to the Hindu priest, artists, teachers, technicians class and also to an individual belonging to the Brahmin tribe/caste into which an individual is born; while the word Brahma refers to the creative aspect of the universal consciousness or God4
9974382863BureaucracyA system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives5
9974382864CityA large, urbanized town usually characterized by many commercial buildings and residential dwellings6
9974382865VillageA group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area, usually a self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of rural lifestyles7
9974382866CivilizationA term that refers to mostly complex societies, but it can also mean a society that shares a set of cultural traits(advanced society)8
9974382867Complex InstitutionsAn institution is any structure that is used to govern the behavior of people around it. A complex institution is one that affects the people in more than one way and may have various functions (government)9
9974382868CurrencyA system of money in general use in a particular country10
9974382869DeityA god or goddess in a polytheistic religion, usually of divine status, quality, or nature. Sometimes regarded as the creator and supreme being in monotheistic religions, such as Christianity11
9974382870DemocracyA system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives12
9974382871DharmaThe natural universal laws whose observance enables humans to be contented and happy, and to save himself from degradation and suffering (Hinduism)13
9974382872DiffusionThe spreading of something more widely or more evenly14
9974382873Cultural DiffusionCultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another. The mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased with advanced communication, transportation and technology15
9974382874Diversified Food SupplyRepresents large selections of food available, a very diverse diet containing a large variety of food16
9974382875Domesticated AnimalAny of various animals that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment (horses, pigs, cattle, dogs)17
9974382876Dynastic CycleAn important political theory in Chinese history. According to this theory, every dynasty goes through a culture cycle. It is also the rise and fall of dynasties18
9974382877EgalitarianOf, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities19
9974382878Ethical CodesA system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct20
9974382879Legal CodesA code of laws adopted by a state or nation called "a code of laws" or a "law code"21
9974382880FrontierA line or border separating two countries, also the extreme limit of settled land beyond which lies wilderness, especially in reference to the Western US before Pacific settlement22
9974382881Hunters and GatherersA hunter-gatherer or forager society is one in which most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species. Hunter-gatherers are a type of nomad23
9974382882ForagingPeople who support themselves by hunting wild animals and gathering wild edible plants and insects.24
9974382883NomadicA very migratory, restless, mobile society that that migrated according to seasons to get a sufficient food supply (foragers)25
9974382884Ice AgeA glacial episode during a past geological period where the earth's temperature greatly dropped and killed26
9974382885Intensive CultivationIntensive farming or intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by a low fallow ratio and the high use of inputs such as capital, labor, or heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area27
9974382886Irrigation SystemsIrrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall28
9974382887KarmaThe sum of a person's actions in this and the previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences, destiny or fate following as effect from cause (Hinduism and Buddhism)29
9974382888Mandate of HeavenThe idea that heaven granted East Asian emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern30
9974382889MonogamyThe practice or state of being married to only one person at a time. The practice or state of having a sexual relationship with only ONE partner31
9974382890PaganA person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions, such as polytheistic people who have almost animistic beliefs32
9974382891PastoralismPastoralism is the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. It is animal husbandry: the care, tending and use of animals such as camels, goats, cattle, yaks, llamas, and sheep33
9974382892PatriarchyA system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line34
9974382893PolygamyThe practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time35
9974382894Record KeepingRecord keeping is the process and system of maintaining business documents so that such records can be found quickly and easily36
9974382895SecularActivities, places, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis, like a clergy member not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order37
9974382896SericultureThe production of silk and the rearing of silkworms for this purpose38
9974382897Settled PopulationsSedentary people who do not migrate, populations who live in sedentary villages and do not move, usually having permanent dwellings39
9974382898SlaveryA person with very limited freedom that must abide by all orders given by their masters or they may face harsh punishments, including death40
9974382899Specialization of LaborThe division of labor is the specialization of cooperating individuals who perform specific tasks and roles41
9974382900SurplusAn amount of something leftover when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand42
9974382901SyncretismThe amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought, the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language43
9974382902TextilesType of cloth or woven fabric worn to provide warmth, protection, or privacy44
9974382903TheocracyA system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god45
9974382904Ancestor VenerationVeneration of the dead or ancestor reverence is based on the beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living, the worship of deceased ancestors46
9974382905AnimismThe attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. The belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe47
9974382906BodhisattvaAn enlightened individual who has achieved nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion to save other suffering beings48
9974382907Caste SystemThe caste system in India is a system of social stratification, which is now also used as a basis for affirmative action. Historically, it separated communities into thousands of endogamous hereditary groups called Jātis, which is synonymous with caste in contemporary usage49
9974382908City-StateA city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state50
9974382909ClassicalAnything of or relating to ancient Greek, Hellenistic, or Latin literature, art, or culture. Also regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style51
9974382910CodificationIn law, codification is the process of collecting and restating the law of a jurisdiction in certain areas, usually by subject, forming a legal code, i.e. a codex (book) of law52
9974382911Dao (Tao)The absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into the philosophical religion of Taoism53
9974382912DiasporaThe dispersion or expulsion of Jews living outside of Israel54
9974382913Diasporic CommunitiesWidely dispersed community as a result of natural disaster, politics or other reasons. Many communities have become diasporic throughout time starting with the Jews of Babylon in ancient history55
9974382914EnlightenmentThe Enlightenment is the period in the history of western thought and culture, stretching roughly from the mid-decades of the seventeenth century through the eighteenth century, characterized by dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy, society and politics; these revolutions swept away the medieval world-view56
9974382915Filial PietyConfucian philosophy that is a virtue of respect for one's parents and ancestors57
9974382916Hellenistic(The spread of Greek culture) of or relating to Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian in 31 BC. During this period Greek culture flourished, spreading through the Mediterranean and into the Near East and Asia and centering on Alexandria in Egypt and Pergamum in Turkey58
9974382917ManifestationAn event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea59
9974382918MerchantsA person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign countries or supplying merchandise to a particular trade60
9974382919MissionariesA person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country61
9974382920MonarchyA form of government ruled by a monarch (king or queen)62
9974382921MonasteryA building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows63
9974382922Monastic lifeLife of a missionary or person living in a monastery. Christian monasticism is the devotional practice of individuals who live ascetic and typically cloistered lives that are dedicated to Christian worship64
9974382923MonasticismMonasticism is not only a name or a monastery legacy. It does not reside in the monks' clothes nor is it attached to their kolonsowa (head garment) or their belts. Monasticism is living a life of inner liberation from materialism65
9974382924Monsoon WindsThe seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in summer and from the northeast in winter. (in India and nearby lands) the season during which the southwest monsoon blows, commonly marked by heavy rains; rainy season. any wind that changes directions with the seasons66
9974382925RajasThe element or mode of prakriti associated with passion, energy, and movement67
9974382926ReincarnationThe rebirth of a soul in a new body68
9974382927RepublicA state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch69
9974382928RitualsA religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order70
9974382929Sanskrit ScripturesAn ancient Indic language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian languages are derived71
9974382930ScripturesSacred writings of a certain religion72
9974382931ShamanismShamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world73
9974382932SinicizationSinicization, also called chinalization, is a process whereby non-Han Chinese societies come under the influence of dominant Han Chinese state and society (spread of Chinese culture)74
9974382933Social HarmonyEverybody in society gets along without issues and with peace75
9974382934Universal TruthsSomething everybody accepts as the truth76
9974382935Black DeathThe Black Death (Bubonic Plague) was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in 134877
9974382936BushidoThe code of honor (Way of the Warrior) were morals developed by the Japanese samurai. It was the code of conduct that was the basis of ethical training as an objective for loyalty in the feudal system. Samurais who failed to follow through were forced to commit suicide78
9974382937CaliphateA caliphate is an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph79
9974382938ChinampaChinampa is a method of Mesoamerican agriculture which used small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of Mexico (floating gardens)80
9974382939ChivalryThe medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code81
9974382940ChristendomThe worldwide body or society of Christians; the Christian world82
9974382941Civil Service ExamCivil service examinations were tests implemented in China for admission to the government. They are intended as a method to achieve an effective, rational public administration based off of the Confucian belief system83
9974382942CrusadesThe Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages through to the end of the Late Middle Ages. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the first crusade, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem84
9974382943Dar al-IslamDar al-Islam is a term used by Muslim scholars to refer to those countries where Muslims can practice their religion freely85
9974382944Printing PressA machine invented by Johannes Gutenberg made for the mass printing of texts86
9974382945GunpowderThe invention of gunpowder is usually attributed to Chinese alchemists, and is popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China. The invention was made perhaps as early as during the Tang Dynasty (9th century), but certainly by the Song Dynasty (11th century). It's used in explosives and weapons such as guns and cannons87
9974382946CottonA soft white fibrous substance that surrounds the seeds of a tropical and subtropical plant and is used as textile fiber and thread for sewing88
9974382947SugarA sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink89
9974382948CitrusA tree of a genus that includes citron, lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Native to Asia, citrus trees are widely cultivated in warm countries for their fruit, which has juicy flesh and a pulpy rind90
9974382949Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek philosophy arose in the 6th century BCE and continued through the Hellenistic period, at which point Ancient Greece was incorporated in the Roman Empire. It dealt with a wide variety of subjects, including political philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, logic, biology, rhetoric, and aesthetics91
9974382950EntrepótA port, city, or other center to which goods are brought for import and export, and for collection and distribution92
9974382951FeudalismThe dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection93
9974382952Decentralized GovernmentA decentralized government is one where its top level decision-making processes are dispersed throughout the system rather than being concentrated on one person, place or legislative body94
9974382953FiefsAn estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service95
9974382954GentryPeople of good social position, specifically the class of people next below the nobility in position and birth96
9974382955Grand CanalThe Grand Canal is the longest man-made waterway as well as being the greatest in ancient China97
9974382956Great Warming PeriodThe period from about 800 to 1300 in which global temperatures are thought to have been a few degrees warmer than those of the preceding and following periods. The climatic effects of this period were confined primarily to Europe and North America98
9974382957GriotsA member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa99
9974382958GuildsA medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power; an association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal100
9974382959HajjThe Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place in the last month of the year, and that all Muslims are expected to make at least once during their lifetime101
9974382960Hanseatic LeagueThe Hanseatic League was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe102
9974382961KhanA title given to any of the successors of Genghis Khan, supreme rulers of the Turkish, Tartar, and Mongol peoples and emperors of China in the Middle Ages103
9974382962KhanateKhanate is a Turkish-Mongolian-originated word used to describe a political entity ruled by a Khan104
9974382963KowtowA Chinese act; kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom105
9974382964Little Ice AgeA comparatively colder period occurring between major glacial periods, in particular one such period that reached its peak during the 17th century106
9974382965ManorialismPolitical, economic, and social system by which the peasants of medieval Europe were tied to their land and their lord through serfdom. The basic unit was the manor, a self-sufficient landed estate, or fief, under the control of a lord107
9974382966Mit'aMandatory public service in the society of the Inca Empire, both militarily and in public projects108
9974382967NeoconfucianismNeo-Confucianism developed both as a renaissance of traditional Confucian ideas, and as a reaction to the ideas of Buddhism and Daoism109
9974382968NobilityThe group of people belonging to the noble class in a country, especially those with a hereditary or honorary title110
9974382969DaimyoOne of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun (in feudal Japan)111
9974382970ZamindarsA zamindar on the Indian subcontinent was an aristocrat, typically hereditary, who held enormous tracts of land and held control over his peasants, from whom the zamindars reserved the right to collect tax (often for military purposes)112
9974382971PapacyThe office, authority, or rule of the pope113
9974382972QuipuAn ancient Inca device for recording information, consisting of variously colored threads knotted in different ways114
9974382973SamuraiA member of a powerful military caste in feudal japan, especially a member of the class of military retainers of the daimyos; similar to a knight in feudal Europe115
9974382974SerfsAn agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate116
9974382975SerfdomSerfdom is the status of peasants under feudalism, specifically relating to manorialism. It was a condition of bondage which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe and lasted in some countries until the mid-19th century117
9974382976ShariaSharia law is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or "path"; it is the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islam118
9974382977ShiaOne of the two main branches of Islam, followed especially in Iran, that rejects the first three Sunni caliphs and regards Ali, the fourth caliph, as Muhammad's first true successor119
9974382978Shi'ismBelieving in the Shia branch of the two main branches of Islam120
9974382979SouthernizationThe term southernization refers to certain developments that first occurred in Southern Asia. Those developments changed Southern Asia and eventually spread to other places and changed them as well. Southernization later spread to other areas, which then underwent a process of change121
9974382980SufiA Muslim ascetic and mystic; a branch of Islam, defined by adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam; others contend that it is a perennial philosophy of existence that pre-dates religion, the expression of which flowered within Islam122
9974382981SultanA Muslim sovereign; the emperor or king-like ruler; the monarch of the Islamic sultanate (empire)123
9974382982SunniOne of the two main branches of Islam, commonly described as orthodox, and differing from Shia in its understanding of the Sunna and in its acceptance of the first three caliphs124
9974382983SwahiliA Bantu language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa and having official status in several countries125
9974382984Tax FarmingTax farming is a technique of financial management, namely the process of commuting, by its assignment by legal contract to a third party, a future uncertain revenue stream into fixed and certain periodic rents, in consideration for which commutation a discount in value received is suffered126
9974382985TerracesA terrace is a piece of sloped plane that has been cut into a series of successively receding flat surfaces or platforms, which resemble steps, for the purposes of more effective farming127
9974382986SynthesizedTo combine or produce more than one thing to create one, such as the synthesis of many cultural practices and beliefs128
9974382987Tribute CollectionThe collection of tribute; tribute is wealth, often in kind, that one party gives to another as a sign of respect or, as was often the case in historical contexts, of submission or allegiance129
9974382988Tributary SystemsA system of government where the people must pay tribute to the government130
9974382989UlamaA body of Muslim scholars recognized as having specialist knowledge of Islamic131

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