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Excretion Flashcards

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8431029130Metabolic ProcessAny chemical reaction occurring inside the body that keeps us alive. EX. cell respiration, enzyme reactions, immune responses, etc.0
8431029131ExcretionThe removal of metabolic waste.1
8431029132Metabolic WasteAny waste products from a metabolic chemical reaction.2
8431029133DiffusionThe movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.3
8431029134Active TransportThe movement of molecules that require energy.4
8431029135How do plants excrete?Plants excrete water vapor and oxygen through their stomates and lenticles.5
8431029137NephronThe functional unit of the kidney, in which waste products are filtered from the blood and urine is produced.6
8431029141HomeostasisThe maintaining of stable internal conditions.7
8431029142KidneyAn excretory organ that filters waste from the blood and creates urine.8
8431029143UreterAn excretory organ the moves urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.9
8431029144Urinary BladderAn excretory organ the temporarily stores urine.10
8431029145UrethraAn excretory organ that carries urine from the urinary bladder out of the body.11
8431029147LungAn excretory organ that removes carbon dioxide & water from the body.12
8431029148CapillaryThe ONLY type of blood vessel in which diffusion can occur between blood and other body structures.13
8431068678UreaA nitrogenous waste made in the liver. It forms when proteins/amino acids breakdown.14
8431073484LiverAn organ that makes urea.15
8431083405Bowman's CapsuleThe place where filtration takes place in the nephrons.16
8431098238Removed from the kidneys as urinewater, salts, urea, and other materials17
8431100968Removed from the lungsCarbon dioxide & water18
8431100969Removed by the skinwater, salt, urea19
8431652838Decreased urine outputProducing less urine or urinating less often20
12168567906filtrationSeparating large molecules from smaller ones, as in the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule of a nephron.21
12168571667filtratefluid that passes from the blood through the capillary walls of the glomeruli of the kidney22
12168577602reabsorptionprocess in the kidney that puts useful substances (water, glucose, amino acids) back into the blood23
12168577603Loop of Henlesection of the nephron tubule that is responsible for conserving water and minimizing the volume of the filtrate24
12168635426Deaminationthe removal of an amino group from an organism, particularly from an amino acid25

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