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AP Language Vocab 131-140 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
12086413621StratagemClever trick designed to deceive or outwit0
12086427943SubordinationThe dependence of one syntactical element on another in a sentence1
12086440413SubstantiatedSupported with proof or evidence; verified2
12086455907SurreptitiouslyDone by secretive means3
12086466764SyllogismA form of deductive reasoning: a major premise, minor premise, conclusion4
12086484289SynecdocheForm of metonymy where a part signifies the whole5
12087964105TenuousHaving little substance; shaky, unsure, weak7
12087980973TheoreticalLacking practical application8
12087980974TimorousTimid, fearful of the future9

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