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13850726920Constitution influencersJohn Locke and Montesquieu0
13850729748Shay's RebellionA series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings; demonstrated weakness of AOC: weak government1
13850733330Montesquieuseparation of powers (between branches)2
13850734329John Lockenatural rights: life, liberty, property3
13850736429Congress powersCollect taxes Borrow money Regulate commerce Establish Post Offices Declare War Approves treaties Commerce Clause: Ability to control trade and economy create laws4
13850739932President's powers-Commanding the army and navy - Heading the executive department - Granting reprieves, or postponement of punishment, and pardons - Making treaties, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate - Nominating ambassadors, public ministers, consuls, and judges of the Supreme Court and other federal courts - Recommending legislation to congress - Reviewing legislation passed by Congress and returning bills which the president objects - Receiving ambassadors and other public ministers (chief diplomat) -enforce laws5
13850746140constitution says separation of...church and state6
13850750052checks and balanceskeep one branch from becoming too powerful7
13850753297Executive checksNominate judges, grant pardons, enforce decisions; propose laws/budgets; veto bills8
13850755437Legislative checksoverride POTUS's veto with a 2/3 vote in each House, Senate approves nominations, House impeaches, Senate is jury in impeachment trials; confirms/rejects SC appointments, House can impeach judges9
13850763482Judicial checksdeclare treaties unconstitutional, judicial review; declare prez's actions unconstitutional10
13850770240Supreme Court cannotdeclare an amendment unconstitutional11
13850773485if congress disagrees with a SC decision, they shouldcreate an amendment12
13850774311federalismA system in which power is divided between the national and state governments13
1385077656310th amendmentPowers not given to federal government are reserved for States14
13850781516elastic clauseArticle I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which allows Congress to make all laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out the powers of the Constitution.15
13850782315Cooperative Federalismfederal government and states share power; marble cake16
13850784936devolutionthe transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states (Reagan was an advocate)17
13850787722Two types of grantscategorical and block18
13850788276project grantsFederal categorical grants given for specific purposes and awarded on the basis of the merits of applications; must apply19
13850789668formula grantsFederal categorical grants distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or in administrative regulations; Medicaid20
13850792204Block grants$ given to states to spend how they want; states prefer block grants; Federal grants given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs in areas such as community development and social services21
13850797374mandaterequirements for states by federal government (ADA)22
13850800597primary responsibility of the Constitutionprotecting private property23
13850801847Voting requirements in the constitutionleft up to states; poll taxes/literacy tests in South24
13850804789we can only directly vote for:House and Senate (17th) members25
13850805894Commerce ClauseThe clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and states; increased fed. govt. power26
13850808741examples of the Federal structure of governmentamending the constitution (involves national govt. and states), grants27
13850812522PluralismA theory of government that holds that groups can influence public policy (NRA, NOW): interest groups28
13850815076elitismA theory of government and politics contending that an upper-class elite will hold most of the power and thus in effect run the government.29
13850816073Hyperpluralisma theory of government and politics contending that competing groups are so strong and numerous that government is weakened30
13850819577Federalist 10factions and how to control them; An essay composed by James Madison which argues that liberty is safest in a large republic because many interests (factions) exist. Such diversity makes tyranny by the majority more difficult since ruling coalitions will always be unstable.31
13850824819Electoral CollegeA group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president; in 48 states the candidate that wins the popular vote wins all electoral votes32
13850830196effects of electoral collegelarge population states and swing states get most attention; if no one gets a majority (270), House decides election--1 vote per state; encourages a two-party system33
13850834865primariesElection in which voters choose the candidates from each party who will run in the general election34
13850834866open primaryvoters are NOT required to register with a party to vote in a primary35
13850837615closed primaryonly voters registered with a party can vote36
13850838979majority electioncandidate must receive more than half the votes (electoral college--270 votes needed)37
13850840822plurality electioncandidate with the most votes wins even without receiving a majority; can happen when more than 2 candidates run38
13850843199divided governmentcongress and presidency are controlled by different parties; common recently -also includes House and Senate controlled by different parties -impact: gridlock, nothing getting done, hard to compromise, frustration/distrust of govt. -more frequent since 1970s39
13850846505recently, more Americans identify with:neither party40
13850847398interest groupsgroups that seek to influence public policy; NRA, AARP, NEA41
13850850929How interest groups influence policylobbying, litigation (write laws to give to legislators to propose), give legislators key info42
13850854480interest groups vs43
13850855102Interest Groups vs. Political PartiesInterest groups do NOT nominate candidates, don't try to gain new members, only concerned with specific issues, organize on common values not geographical areas44
13850857579linkage institutionslink public with political process; The channels through which people's concerns become political issues on the government's policy agenda45
13850860087linkage institutions exampleselections, political parties, interest groups, media (PIME)46
13855573593PACs (Political Action Committees)a group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns; donate money to candidates/parties that are favorable to their issues; limited to giving $5,000 per candidate per election and receiving $5,000 per year from individuals47
13855603389political socializationThe process by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs--how individuals learn about politics -most common form: family (we share our parents' beliefs) -most americans support equality, but NOT economic equality -more americans distrust the government since the 1960s48
13855672882Political behavior: who's most likely to vote?the older and more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote -young people under 30 vote much less even after 26th amendment (voting age is lowered to 18) -party identification plays a big role in who you vote for49
13855684962African Americans tend to voteDemocratic50
13855696102after 1968, southern whites tend to voteRepublican51
13855703607ticket-splittingVoting for one party for one office and for another party for other offices; increased; leads to divided govt.52
13855724389most common form of political participationvoting in presidential elections -however most Americans do not vote -U.S. has lower turnout than other democracies53
13856570222political efficacyThe belief that one's political participation really matters - that one's vote can actually make a difference -makes you more likely to vote54
13856590485Media outletsfocus on day-to-day lives of prez candidates, not their issues -media outlets have been controlled by fewer companies--so less companies control the news55
13856601660horse-race journalismmedia focuses on polls rather than issues56
13856604320the Iron Triangle-between congress, interest group, and bureaucracy (government agencies) -prez and SC not included57
13856684199Congressthe legislature of the United States government; hard/long to pass laws; compromises -most bills NEVER become law or even get to the whole Congress58
13856699515Incumbencyholding the political office for which one is running -usually win elections -huge predictor of election outcome -way more important in House elections than in Senate (still important though) -advantages: get more contributions, name recognition, franking privilege (can send mail for free to constituents), can cite services provided to constituents, serve on committees relevant to their areas (agricultural committee for Iowa), pork barrelling59
13856774848Pork Barrellingthe use of government funds for projects designed to please voters or legislators and win votes; allocate federal funds to constituents (incumbency advantage)60
13856799787congress roles cont.-declare war -appropriate $ -oversee govt. agencies (the bureaucracy) -create new courts/more judges -override prez veto with 2/3 of both houses -foreign policy is handled more by prez61
13856851093congressional oversightCongress reviews an agency, department, or office -examples: set guidelines for agencies, hold hearings, allocate funding***62
13857559132congressional committeesa legislative sub-organization in the United States Congress that handles a specific duty; more significant in House (b/c there's more members so they can do more work than the whole House)63
13857575734standing committeeA permanent committee established in a legislature, usually focusing on a policy area (foreign relations, agriculture) -members are experts in that area64
13857587774conference committeesettle differences between bills passed in both houses65
13857597295Rules Committeeonly in House; determines rules for bills--date it's on floor, time for debates, amendments -closed and open rules66
13857615527closed ruleAn order from the House Rules Committee that sets a time limit on debate; forbids a bill from being amended on the floor67
13857620448open rulean order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the floor; looser time limits68
13857624966subcommitteescreated by committees to investigate/research a specific issue and report back to the whole committee -committee chairs are less influential recently -in House, chairs are members of majority party69
13857636983Ways and Means Committeein House; economic committee--deals with anything $ related (taxation, tariffs) -if a member serves on this committee, they can't serve on another70
13857655134House of Representatives powers-impeach officials (impeach: bring charges against an official) -revenue bills must start in House (anything dealing with taxation and tariffs)71
13857676282House of Representatives-435 members -based on population -districts are determined by state legislatures (leads to gerrymandering) -rules of procedure are more formal--closed and open -Speaker of the House- 3rd in line for succession; Henry Clay increased speaker's power72
13857687540gerrymanderingthe drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent; favor the party in control of the state73
13857706180Senate powers-approve presidential appointments and treaties -jury in impeachment trial74
13857729415Senate-100 members, 2 per state -filibusters, cloture motion give senators influence over bills75
13857736482cloture motionCan end a filibuster - bring a bill to a vote (need 60 senators)76
13857743978filibusterA procedural practice in the Senate whereby a senator refuses to relinquish the floor and thereby delays proceedings and prevents a vote on a controversial issue. (prevent bill from being voted on)77
13857760293DelegateHow elected officials vote: congress votes according to how the majority of their constituents feel about an issue78
13857768371trusteeelected officials use their own views or vote based on the public good (not necessarily the views of constituents)79
13857781024Executive Branch-prez serves 4 years -22nd amendment-limits prez to 2 terms -elected by electoral college80
13857793475presidential powers-appoints judges -commander in chief--deploy troops without congress's consent -veto bills (checks and balances)--most vetoes in one term-Cleveland -less than 10% of vetoes are overriden -threat of veto-powerful -vetoes are held up most often when prez's party is in control of Congress -head of political party through custom and tradition81
13857817621pocket vetoA veto taking place when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president, who simply lets it die by neither signing nor vetoing it -Lincoln with the Wade-Davis bill.82
13857833923executive ordersDon't need to be passed by Congress used more often by prez in recent years -Emancipation proclamation -japanese internment during WWII -Truman desegregates US military in Korean War may depend on congress for funding--so they're not absolute power83
13857866409presidential nomination convention-Delegates nominate the president -Delegates tend to be more ideological, more involved in politics than the general population84
13857885921Powers NOT given to the president-Line item veto (governors can)--can't say they like certain parts of bills, they have to accept all of it or none -declaring war -creating new cabinet positions/departments--Congress does this85
13857924279presidential staff: White House staff-loyal, supportive of prez -National Security Advisor-chief advisor to prez on national security issues -Chief of Staff-prez's right hand person, does not need Senate confirmation, Prez can fire them at will86
13857961210attorney generalthe head of the department of justice87
13857963730inherent powerspowers the president has that are NOT explicitly stated in Constitution, but are inferred -ex: recognize other govts, immigration issues, acquiring territories (Lousiana purchase)88
13857995933Cabinet membersa group of advisors to the president; sometimes torn between their dept. and prez89
13858017100President has gained more power over time-cold war, foreign policy issues -govt. services for individuals -economic and domestic issues-americans want prez to solve them (9/11)90
13858983092How president influences Congress-use media--Bully pulpit (encourage people to encourage their congressmen to support their issue) -prez uses media more effectively than other branches -use their political party if they have a majority in Congress -if they're popular they can get stuff passed easier91
13858994600President and Judicial Branch-prez appoint judges -appoints judges who agree with their philosophy92
13859009765The Court System-SC judges appointed for life -Why? -independent of political pressure, so they can make unpopular decisions that they deem right -appointed by prez, approved by Senate (C&B) -most justices have a long track record b4 being appointed -prez knows where they stand on issues -prez has large impact after they're out of office because of their appointments93
13859054325Supreme Court CaseloadCourt can choose to hear almost any case it wishes -appellate courts are most common source -most court cases aren't reviewed by SC -when 4 judges agree, Court can hear a case94
13859080876District Court-deal with most federal cases -most end in a plea bargain95
13859087297appellate court-reviews decisions of district courts -SC chooses cases from appellate courts96
13859092814amicus curiae-friend of the court -friends (interest groups) write letters to the Court detailing how a case would impact them97
13859107451Doctrine of Original IntentLooking at the Constitution based on the intention of the framers (Washington, Franklin, Hamilton--how would they view this?)98
13859114743incorporation doctrineThe Bill of Rights applies to the STATE and local governments as well as the federal government. -Mapp v. Ohio99
13859124572State decisisA Latin phrase meaning "let the decision stand." Most cases reaching appellate courts are settled on this principle. -SC often makes decisions based on precedent (previous decisions)100
13859133976writ of certiorariSC orders a case from a lower court to be reviewed101
13859161765judicial restraint-belief that SC should rely on precedent in making decisions -less Court involvement102
13859172097judicial activism-SC can correct injustices -Brown v. Board103
13859175949SC and Free speech-free speech can be limited if it poses a clear and present danger -Schenck v. US, 1919 -oliver wendell holmes -free speech extends beyond use of words--flag burning, wearing armbands104
13859199389Marbury v. Madison (1803)-Established judicial review -court can overturn laws, executive orders, state laws, lower court decisions -Marshall court105
13859216070McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)-Maryland taxed a branch of Bank of U.S. -SC said states could NOT tax a federal govt. agency -reinforced elastic (necessary and proper) clause -power of national govt. increased over states -Marshall Court106
13859233211Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)-SC says segregation is legal, as long as facilities are equal -separate but equal doctrine established -overturned by Brown v. Board107
13859240553Miranda v. Arizona (1966)-suspects must have their constitutional rights read to them -5th amendment--right to remain silent during police interrogations108
13859258661Warren Court (1953-1969)-desegregated schools (Brown v. Board) -exclusionary rule (Mapp v. Ohio)--selective incorporation. ohio police illegally seize evidence from mapp's home, use it against her in court--SC says that's not allowed (exclusionary rule), applied 4th amendment to states) -attorneys 4 people with low incomes (Gideon v. Wainwright) -Miranda rights -abortion is not part of this court109
13859298398Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)-overturned Connecticut law prohibiting contraceptives -SC said Const. contained a right to privacy110
13859312918Roe v. Wade (1973)-SC overturned TX law prohibiting abortion -it and Griswold used right to privacy111
13859324995U.S. v. Nixon (1974)Watergate, Prosecutors and Senate wanted Nixon's Oval Office tape recordings. Nixon refused. Court ruled that Presidents can claim executive privilege in cases where national security is involved but could not use it to hide evidence of a crime -exec. privilege is not absolute112
13859334171Baker v. Carr (1962)"One man, one vote." Ordered state legislative districts to be as near equal as possible in population; Warren Court's judicial activism.113
13859337796Gitlow v. New York (1925)-began selective incorporation114
13859343501NY Times v. Sullivan (1964)Held that statements about public figures are libelous only if made with malice and reckless disregard for the truth. -public officials have to prove malice if trying to win a lawsuit for defamation115
13859356980death penalty-recently SC said it's not necessarily a violation of the 8th amendment's cruel and unusual punishment116
13859367272Entitlements-largest portion of uncontrollable spending -Social Security, medicaid -less $ going into SS, more being drawn out for baby boomers117
13859379815Office of Management and BudgetAn office that prepares the president's budget and also advises presidents on proposals from departments and agencies and helps review their proposed regulations. -major predictor of funding for an agency: last year's budget118
13859387106BureaucracyA large, complex organization composed of appointed officials; govt agencies that implement policies -EPA, FDA -get mandates/funding from Congress, create guidelines to carry out those mandates119
138594072181st AmendmentFreedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition -Establishment clause-congress shall not establish an official religion -free exercise clause-Congress can't prohibit free exercise of religion (but you can't do illegal stuff)120
1385947585614th AmendmentDeclares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws -selective incorporation is based on this121
1385948130415th amendment-suffrage for adult males122
1385948468417th AmendmentDirect election of senators123
1385948811619th Amendment (1920)Gave women the right to vote124
1385950523523rd Amendment3 electoral votes for DC125
1385951348624th Amendmenteliminated poll tax126
1385951595726th AmendmentLowered the voting age from 21 to 18127
13859524816Civil Rights Act of 1964outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin -guaranteed equal access to public accommodations -govt could cut off funds where discrimination occurred128
13859534438Voting Rights Act of 1965-fed govt could register voters -eliminated literacy tests for voting129
13859540367War Powers ActLimits the presidents ability to send troops over seas to conflict -in response to Vietnam war--prez was escalating war -prez must notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops -must withdraw forces after 60 days unless Congress approves extension130
13859555340Motor Voter LawsVoter registration opportunities must be provided when applying/renewing a license131
13859570794coalition buildingthe banding together of several interest groups for the purpose of lobbying, achieving a goal132
13859609677civil rightsprotecting individuals/groups from discrimination -Civil Rights Act of 1964133
13859613808civil libertiesprotects individuals from government action -Bill of Rights134
13859631967Election of 1932Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, beat the Republican, Herbert Hoover, who was running for reelection. FDR promised relief for the unemployed, help for farmers, and a balanced budget. New Deal -political realignment-- African Americans, Jews, working class began to vote Democrat135
13859640903Election of 1968The election in which Nixon won; conservative republican victory; demonstrated that the majority of the American electorate turned their back on liberal reform and activist governments -political realignment--southern states (whites) began to vote Republican136
13859651208Election of 1980Ronald Reagan won over Jimmy Carter because of the Iranian hostage crisis and America's stagflation. -lots of republicans -continued political realignment -increase in Conservative Christians supporting republicans137

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