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Forensic Science Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
8237564474Medianthe midline plane dividing the body into left/right halves0
8237573617Sagittalthe plane dividing the body into unequal left and right parts and parallel to the median plane.1
8237592235Coronal, Frontalthe plane dividing the body into equal/unequal front and back parts.2
8237630890transverse, cross horizontalthe horizontal plane that divides the body into upper (cranial) and lower (caudal) parts.3
8237676551cranial, superiorthere terms refer to a structure being closer to the head or higher than another structure in the body4
8237686645caudal, inferiorThese terms refer to a structure being closer to the feet or lower than another structure in the body5
8237724926anterior,ventralthese terms refer to a structure being more in front then another structure in the body6
8237742530posterior, dorsalthese terms refer to a structure being more in back than another structure in the body7
8237759868medialthe term refers to a structure being closer to the median plane than another structure in the body8
8237774119lateralthis term refers to a structure being further away from the median plane than another structure in the body9
8237786560ProximalEmployed with reference to the limbs only, this term refers to a structure being closer to the median plane or root of the limb than another structure in the limb. Such a structure would ordinarily be superior to the other.10
8237836836DistalEmployed with reference to the limbs only, this term refers to a structure being further away from the median plane or root of the limb than another structure in that limb. Such a structure would ordinarily be inferior to the other.11
8237889066cranial, superiorthere terms refer to a structure being closer to the head or higher than another structure in the body12
8237942139Algor Mortisthe second stage of death, is the change in body temperature post mortem, until the surrounding temperature is matched.15
8237952120Livor Mortisis the discoloration of the skin due to the pooling of blood in the dependent parts of the body following death16
8237959700Rigor Mortisthe third stage of death, is one of the recognizable signs of death, caused by chemical changes in the muscles post mortem, which cause the limbs of the corpse to stiffen17
8237978405zygomatic archcheek bone18
8238005075morguea place where bodies are kept19
8238011602Osteologythe study of bones20
8238019110Epiphysesthe end part of a long bone21
8238027020pelvic girdle22
8238037209orbits of the skullthe cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated23

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