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AP Vocabulary Lesson 60 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
12530809130balma soothing substance or one that gives relief0
12530809131conservatorya greenhouse or place where plants are raised; a school for music and art1
12530809132demurto hesitate, to delay, to object2
12530809133demureserious, reserved, coy3
12530809134expiateto atone or to make amends for a sin or a crime4
12530809135fountainheadprincipal source or origin5
12530809136furrowto make wrinkles or grooves6
12530809137hallmarka distinguishing characteristic or trait7
12530809138inclementstormy, severe8
12530809139jadedweary from overuse, surfeited9
12530809140juxtaposeto place close together or side by side10
12530809141loiterto stand idly or to linger aimlessly11
12530809142minceto restrain one's speech or to euphemize in order to show politeness12
12530809143monolithicmassive and rigidly fixed uniformly13
12530809144obeisancean attitude of respect; a gesture made in token of respect14
12530809145peccadilloa slight offense, a small fault15
12530809146polemicistone skilled in argument and in refuting attacks16
12530809147propoundto put forth for discussion or analysis17
12530809148renegeto go back on one's word18
12530809149repasta meal19
12530809150rudimentan essential element or skill, also the early stages of development20
12530809151sievea utensil for sifting or straining21
12530809152tetherto fasten or to confine as with a rope22
12530809153urbanhaving to do with a city or characteristic of a city23
12530809154vouchsafeto grant in a condescending manner24

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