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AP English Language Figures of RHETORIC Flashcards

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13350351488parallelismsimilarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses0
13350365145Parallelism: effect- repetition - highlight length - illustrate routine - EMPHASIS - rhythm - suspense and thrill - persuasiveness1
13350380908periodic sentencesuspense2
13350529385cumulative sentencemore detail3
13350532021rhetorical questionthought provoking: humorous, obvious, or reflective4
13350542430inversionthe normal order of words is reversed5
13350616500balances sentencea sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast6
13350631745anathema(n.) an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article)7
13350631746anaphorathe repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses8
13350639908antithesis1. balance between opposite qualities 2. Incite reflection 3. to emphasize greatness of what can be perceived as a small idea 4. express and idea more emphatically 5. pros and cons of a particular subject11
13350649897inversion: purpose- emphasis on particular point - changing the focus of the readers from a particular point12
13350735634anaphora: purposeto emphasize a certain word13
13350759568catalogingtruncates pace, sense of urgency, many commas, short clauses, action14
13350765199appositivesextension to sentences, flow & peace, just adding on to, adds essential information15

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