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AP Lit Lenses Flashcards

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13373157602LensA focus for your analysis, a new appreciation for the work. Picking one direction can help build a thesis0
13373035144Character AnalysisAnalysis concentrating on the role, development, or symbolic meaning of a character/characters For an A grade: Needs development, more than just an adjective, prove that a character is used to do something, prove the import of a character through something1
13373035145Character Analysis ToolsRound vs. flat Dynamic vs. static Direct vs. indirect Protagonist vs. antagonist Character types and archetypes Personality traits2
13373035146Philosophical LensFocuses on a certain philosophical viewpoint Commonly Freud, Jung, Marx3
13373035147FreudFocuses on the individual, unconscious, and its manifestations4
13373035148IdInstinctual physical desires. Insatiable and pleasure seeking Does not consider consequences5
13373035150EgoInserts the context of reality6
13373035149SuperegoHas internalized the norms of society7
13373035151JungIdentifies and concentrates on a collective unconscious universally shared by people across cultures Primordial images and patterns, archetypes What makes a work universal8
13373035152ArchetypesThe original model Universally shared images, figures, character types, setting and story patterns Embedded deep in humanity's collective unconscious9
13373035153MarxFocuses on class, ideology and the prevailing social order Do not seek to find hidden meaning Texts are material products to be understood in broadly historical terms10
13373035154Rhetorical LensEmphasizes strategies and devices authors use to get readers to interpret their works in certain desired ways Interpret a work's denotative and connotative meanings Study of the interaction of authors and reader, viewing the text as a means of communication of the two Symbolism, themes, tone, diction, figurative language, tropes, etc.11
13373035155Feminist LensExamination of how female characters are portrayed Stress on stereotyping and "boxing in" of the female persona Stresses the unity of women given their difference from men in a patriarchal society12
13373035156New Critical TheoryTreats a work of literary art as if it were a self-contained, self-referential object Close reading: Relationships within the text that give it its own form; Structure should not be divorced from meaning; Attention to images, symbols, repetition, sound effects, rhythms, and literary device such as irony and paradox; An objective approach13
13373035157Historical LensExamines literary works within their diverse and interrelated historical contexts. Cultural and social forces that influenced the work and are revealed through the text Reception and significance of the work in the past and present also important14
13373035158Historical PerspectivesIs the work able to be fully understandable outside of the historical context? Is the work simply representative of an era? Is the work a judgment of an era or event? How has the work enmeshed itself within historical context past and present?15

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