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AP lab Flashcards

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15053233446Anteriortoward the front of the body; in front of0
15053233447Posteriortoward the back of the body1
15053233448Distalfarther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk2
15053233449LateralAway from the midline of the body3
15053233450MedialToward the midline of the body4
15053233451Frontalpertaining to the forehead5
15053233452ProximalCloser to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk6
15053233453sagittal planea vertical plane that divides the body into right and left parts7
15053233454SuperiorHigher on the body, nearer to the head8
15053233455Transverse planeline that divides the body into upper and lower sections9
15053233456oblique planepasses through the body at an angle10
15053233457inferior planeeverything below the transverse line (below the waist). Opposite of superior plane.11
15053233458Abdominal pelvic cavityInferior subdivision below diaphragm12
15053233459anatomical positionTo stand erect with arms at the sides and palms of the hands turned forward13
15053233460Hiatil herniaupper part of stomach bulges through opening in diaphragm. (obesity, smoking)14
15053233461situs inversusreversed position of organs15
15053233462integumentary system consists of?skin, hair, nails, cutaneous sense organs (smell,touch,see,hear)16
15053233463skeletal system consists of?bones, cartilage, ligaments, joints, tendons17
15053233464Muscular System consists of?Muscles attached to the skeleton18
15053233465Nervous system consists of?brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory receptors19
15053233466Endocrine system consists of?pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, thymus, pancreas, pineal, ovaries (female), and testes (male)20
15053233467cardiovascular system consists of?heart and blood vessels21
15053233468Lymphatic system consists of?lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus22
15053233469Respiratory system consists of?nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs23
15053233470Digestive system consists of?oral cavity, esophagus, stomach small and large intestines, rectum, and accessory organs (liver, salivary glands, pancreas, etc.)24
15053233471Urinary system consists of?kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra25
15053233472Reproductive system consists of?Testes, penis, ovaries, vagina, and breasts26
15053233473function of integumentary systemexcretes salts and urea, produces vitamin D, aids in body regulation, protects internal organs27
15053233474Function of skeletal system-body support and protection of internal organs -provides levers for muscular action -cavities provide a site for blood cell formation28
15053233475function of muscular systemAllows manipulation of the environment, locomotion, and facial expression. Maintains posture, and produces heat.29
15053233476function of nervous system-allows body to detect changes in its internal and external environment and to respond to such information by activating appropriate muscles or glands -helps maintain homeostasis of the body via rapid transmission of electrical signals30
15053233477function of cardiovascular systemtransport system that carries blood containing oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste,ions,and hormones. antibodies and other protein molecules in the blood protect the body.31
15053233478function of lymphatic systemDefense against infection and disease houses lymphocytes that act via the immune response to protect body from foreign substances32
15053233479function of respiratory systemsupply the body and blood with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide contributes to acid-base balance of blood33
15053233480function of digestive systembreak down and absorbs nutrients from food; removes waste; maintains water balance34
15053233481function of urinary systemelimination of excess water, salts, and waste products; control of pH35
15053233482function of reproductive systemMales: produce and maintain sperm cells, transfer sperm cells into female reproductive tract. Females: produce and maintain egg cells, receive sperm cells, support development of embryo, and function in birth process.36
15053233483serous membrane functionSecretes a watery fluid that allows organs to glide over nearby structures and reduces friction37
15053233484thyroid cartilageA firm prominence of cartilage that forms the upper part of the larynx; the Adam's apple.38
15053233485thyroid glandendocrine gland that surrounds the trachea in the neck39
15053233486function of braincontrol center for the entire nervous system40
15053233487function of diaphragmseparates the digestive cavity from the respiratory cavity, contracts and relaxes to help the lungs inflate and deflate41
15053233488function of spleenImmune surveillance and response in BLOOD. Collects antigens in blood and also degrades old Red Blood Cells and damaged Red Blood Cells.42
15053233489function of large intestineabsorption of water43
15053233490function of small intestinedigestion and absorption of nutrients44
15053233491Function of visceral massholds internal organs45
15053233492Trachea (windpipe)transports air to and from lungs46
15053233493Cell SystemThe cell is the basic unit of living organisms & the simplest living unit of life. Living organisms are composed of cells that have the following common characteristics: - Have a membrane that regulates the flow of nutrients & water that enter & exit the cell -contain the genetic material (DNA) that allows for reproduction -Require a supply of energy -Contain basic chemicals to make metabolic decisions for survival -Reproduce & are the result of reproduction47
15053233494tissue systemOne or more tissues organized into a functional unit connecting the organs of a plant.48
15053233495tissueA group of similar cells that perform the same function.49
15053233496Organgroup of tissues that work together to perform closely related functions50
15053233497organ systemA group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions.51
15053233498VentralToward the belly52
15053233499Contralateralon the opposite side of the body53
15053233500Ipsilateralon the same side of the body54
15053233501superficialnear the surface of the body55
15053233502deepAway from the body surface; more internal56
15053233503Dorsal cavity containsincludes the cranial and spinal cavities.57
15053233504cranial cavity containsthe brain58
15053233505vertebral cavity containsvertebrae, spinal cord59
15053233506ventral cavity containsthoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity60
15053233507thoracic cavity containscontains heart and lungs61
15053233508mediastinum cavity containsarea between the lungs containing the heart, aorta, venae cavae, esophagus, and trachea62
15053233509plueral cavity containsthe lungs63
15053233510Pericardial cavity containsthe heart64
15053233511abdominal cavity containsdigestive organs65
15053233512pelvic cavity containsurinary bladder, reproductive organs, rectum66
15053233513peritoneum serous membraneMembrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen. (Abdominal cavity)67
15053233514parietal peritoneumportion that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities68
15053233515visceral peritoneumcovers the external surfaces of most abdominal organs, including the intestinal tract.69
15053233516plueral membraneSerous membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity70
15053233517parietal plueralines the walls of the thoracic cavity; fluids are made that adhere the lung pleura to this for a very tight fit71
15053233518visceral pluerainner layer which covers the external surface of the lungs72
15053233519pericardium membranesurrounds the heart73
15053233520parietal pericadriumThe outer layer of the pericardium which is a conical sac of fibrous tissue that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels.74
15053233521planeA flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points would wholly lie.75
15053233522visceral pericardiumlayer closest to the heart76
15053233523adominopelvic quadrantsright upper, left upper, right lower, left lower77
15053233524abdominopelvic regionsnine specific anatomic areas of the abdominopelvic cavity78
15053233525left hypochondriac region containsstomach, liver (tip), left kidney, spleen79
15053233526right hypochondriac containsLiver, gall bladder, small intestine, ascending colon, transverse colon, right kidney80
15053233527epigastric region containsParts of the right and left lobes of the liver, a large portion of the stomach.81
15053233528right lumbar region containsliver (tip), small intestines, ascending colon, right kidney82
15053233529left lumbar region containsdescending colon of large intestine83
15053233530umbilical region containsA portion of the transverse colon and loops of the small intestine84
15053233531right lilac region containsappendix, cecum, and the right iliac fossa85
15053233532left lilac region containsdescending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the right illiac fossa86
15053233533HYPOGASTRIC REGIONcontains the organs around the pubic bone. These include bladder, part of the sigmoid colon, the anus, and many organs of the reproductive system, such as the uterus and ovaries in females and the prostate in males.87
15053233534Cephalicpertaining to the head88
15053233535Orbitaleye cavity89
15053233536Nasalnose area90
15053233537Buccalcheek area91
15053233538oralpertaining to the mouth92
15053233540Cervicalneck region94
15053233541thoracicchest region95
15053233543axillaryarmpit area97
15053233544AxialRelating to head, neck, and trunk98
15053233545appendicularRelating to limbs and their attachments to the axis99
15053233546axis of the bodyhead, neck, trunk100
15053233547Mammarybreast region101
15053233548pelvicpelvis region102
15053233549Pubicgenital region103
15053233550upper limbhumerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges104
15053233551Acromialtop of shoulder105
15053233552brachialupper arm106
15053233553Antecubitalanterior surface of elbow107
15053233554olecranalposterior of elbow108
15053233556manuspertaining to the hand110
15053233557cephalicpertaining to the head111
15053233558patellarfront of knee112
15053233559Brachialupper arm113
15053233560Olecranalback of elbow114
15053233561Antebrachialpertaining to the forearm115
15053233562palmarpalm of hand116
15053233564digitalfingers, toes118
15053233565lower limbleg119
15053233568Popitealback of knee122
15053233571peronealpertaining to the fibula125
15053233572Fibularlateral part of leg126
15053233574Torsalankle region128
15053233576plantarsole of foot130
15053233577halluxbig toe131
15053233579occipitalbase of skull133
15053233580Scapularshoulder blade region134
15053233582Lumbararea of back between ribs and hips136
15053233583Sacralarea between hips137
15053233585Perinealregion between the anus and the external reproductive organs139
15053233586baseThe bottom of the microscope, used for support140
15053233587substage lightLocated in the base. The light from the lamp passes directly upward through the microscope.141
15053233588light controladjusts the brightness of the light source142
15053233589stageSupports the slide being viewed143
15053233590mechanical stageholds the slide in position for viewing and has two adjustable knobs that control the precise movement of the slide144
15053233591condenserfocuses light through the specimen145
15053233592iris diaphragm leverarm attached to the base of the condenser that regulates the amount of light passing through the condenser146
15053233593coarse adjustment knobMoves the stage up and down for focusing147
15053233594fine adjustment knobMoves the stage slightly to sharpen the image148
15053233595headvertical portion of microscope that connects the base and the head149
15053233596armvertical portion of the microscope that connects the base and the head150
15053233597nosepieceRotating mechanism connected to the head. Generally, it carries three or four objective lenses and permits positioning of these lenses over the hole in the stage.151
15053233598objective lenseare attached to the nose piece, usually a compound microscope has four objective lenses, scanning 4x, 10x,40x, and 100x152
15053233599ocular lenseeyepiece153
15053233600CellThe basic unit of structure and function in living things154
15053233601Organellespecialized structure that performs important cellular functions within a eukaryotic cell155
15053233602InclusionCell inclusions are considered various nutrients or pigments that can be found within the cell156
15053233603tight junctionsA series of integra protein molecules in the plasma membrane of adjacent cells fuse together, forming an IMPERMEABLE junction that encircles the cell. -----help to prevent molecules from passing through the extracellular space between adjacent cells.157
15053233604plasma membranecomposed of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins, that encloses cell158
15053233605nucelar envelopedouble membrane barrier of a cell nucleus159
15053233606nucelear poresEach nuclear pore is a large complex of proteins that allows small molecules and ions to freely pass, or diffuse, into or out of the nucleus.160
15053233607cytoplasmcellular material surrounding the nucleus and enclosed by the plasma membrane161
15053233608cytosolviscous, semitransparent fluid substance of cytoplasm in which other elements are suspended162
15053233609chromatinstrands of dna and associated proteins;forms chromosomes when condensed163
15053233610chromosomesa threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.164
15053233611selectively permeableSelective permeability is a property of cellular membranes that only allows certain molecules to enter or exit the cell.165
15053233612microvilliTiny hair-like projections of the cytoplasmic membrane located only in the small intestine to facilitate absorption by increasing surface area.166
15053233613Lysosomesorganelles involved in digestion and waste removal167
15053233614ribosomessite of protein synthesis168
15053233615rough endoplasmic reticulumis an organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Its main function is to produce proteins.169
15053233616Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulumcreates lipids or fat170
15053233617Golgi apparatusMembranous system close to the cell nucleus that packages protein secretion for export171
15053233618PeroxisomesMembranous sacs in cytoplasm containing powerful oxidase enzymes that use molecular oxygen to detoxify harmful or toxic substances172
15053233619mitochondriaCytoplasmic organelles responsible for ATP generation for cellular activities.173
15053233620centriolesa minute cylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cells, occurring in pairs and involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division.174
15053233621NucleusA part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction175
15053233622InterphaseCell grows, performs its normal functions, and prepares for division; consists of G1, S, and G2 phases176
15053233623Prophasefirst phase of mitosis chromosomes become visable, nuclear envelop dissolves, spindle forms177
15053233624Metaphasesecond phase of mitosis, during which the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell178
15053233625Anaphasethe third phase of mitosis, during which the chromosome pairs separate and move toward opposite poles179
15053233626Telophasethe final phase of cell division, between anaphase and interphase, in which the chromatids or chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell and two nuclei are formed.180
15053233627Cytokenisis (Mitosis)the division of cytoplasm that occurs after the cell nucleus has divided181
15053233628importance of cell division- results in growth - replacement of dead cells - repairs damaged cells182
15053233629Mitosispart of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides183
15053233630simple squamous epitheliumsingle layer of flattened cells -Kidney,lining of lungs airsacs, lining of blood vessels184
15053233631simple cuboidal epitheliumsingle layer of cube shaped cells -lines small kidney tubes, small glands (sweat glands)185
15053233632simple columnar epitheliumMade up of a single layer of tall cells that fit closely together -lines most of digestive tract, brochi,uterine tubes186
15053233633psuedostratified columnar epitheliumsingle layer of columnar cellsk, often with cilia -lines sperm carrying tubes in males, lines trachea187
15053233634stratified squamous epitheliummany layers of squamos (flat) cells -lines esophagus, mouth, vagina, skin epidermis188
15053233635transitional epitheliumMultiple layers of cells which appear cuboidal when not stretched, but squamous when stretched; found in the urinary organs189
15053233636squamos cellsflattened cells190
15053233637cuboidal cellscube shaped cells191
15053233638columnar cellstall and column shaped192
15053233639simple cellsone layer of cells193
15053233640stratified cellsmultiple layers of cells194
15053233641connective tissueA body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts195
15053233642muscle tissueA body tissue that contracts or shortens, making body parts move.196
15053233643nervous tissueA body tissue that carries electrical messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body.197
15053233644epithelial tissueA body tissue that covers the surfaces of the body, inside and out198
15053233645areolar connective tissuetransparent matrix with all three fivers (elastin,collagen,reticular) -pakages organs199
15053233646adipose tissuevery little matrix and large adipocytes or fat cells -deep to skin,around kidney, eye, breasts, and abdomen200
15053233647reticular connective tissuethick reticular fibers around many small cells -lymph nodes,spleen,bone marrow201
15053233648elastic cartilagelike hylaine cartilage but dark elastin fibers fill the matrix -external ear, epiglottis202
15053233649fibrocartilagesimilar to hylane has thicker fibers (more visible) -intervertebral discs, discs of knee joint203
15053233650bonelooks like a tree trunk (rings) \ -in bones204
15053233651bloodred and white blood cells in fluid (blood plasma) just dots floating does not look like anything is connecting them205
15053233652skeletal muscle tissuelong, thin cells with striations -attached to bones , and sometimes skin206
15053233653cardiac muscle tissuelong, thing cells with branches and striations -walls of heart207
15053233654smooth muscle tissuelong,thin cells with no branches and no striations -walls of hollow organs except heart208
15053233655nervous tissue cellsbranching cells with long,narrow extension -brain,spinal cord, nerves209
15053362671dense irregular connective tissueirregularly arranged collagen fibers -dermis of skin, joints210
15053363725Hylaine cartilagetransparent matrix with imperceptible collagen fibers around cartilage cells -embroyonic skeleton, rib nose,trachea, larynx211
15053360871dense regular connective tissuemany collagen fibers travelling together in a parallel wave pattern -tendons,ligaments212
15053485892Epidermisoutermost layer of skin, superficial213
15055192420Dermisdeepest layer of skin, deep214
15055194860stratum basalesingle layer of cells, closest to the dermis, dividing keratinacytes, few melanocytes and tactille cells215
15055268003stratum spinosumSeveral layers of keratinocytes joined by desmosomes. Cells contain thick bundles of intermediate filaments made of pre-keratin.216
15055279538stratum granulosuma layer of the epidermis that marks the transition between the deeper, metabolically active strata and the dead cells of the more superficial strata217
15055286770stratum lucidumClear, transparent layer of the epidermis under the stratum corneum. lacks blood vessels, few layers of flattened dead cells, only in thick skin.218
15055288277stratum corneumthe most superficial layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells. thickest layer, protected by keratin219
15055303246Keratinocytesproduce keratin, cells attached by tight junctions220
15055306810Keratinhard protein material found in the epidermis, hair, and nails221
15055307721Melanocytesproduce melanin, protects skin from sun222
15055309186dendritic cellsspecialized white blood cells that patrol the body searching for antigens that produce infections223
15055311762tactile cellstouch receptors224
15055326041papillary layerouter layer of the dermis, directly beneath the epidermis225
15055329878dermal papillaeFound in the upper layers of the dermis, they create your fingerprint pattern226
15055332780dermal ridgessurface ridges of the epidermis of the palms and soles, where the sweat pores open227
15055334280organization of ridges isgenetically determined228
15055336742reticular layerDeeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients, 80% of dermis, and the thickest layer.229

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