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AP English Language Flashcards

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138854887634 areas to consider when analyzing style:1. diction 2. sentence structure 3. treatment of subject matter 4. figurative language0
13884983987syntaxsentence structure - examined as how it contributes to and enhances meaning and effect - studied in conjunction with other stylistic techniques that work together to develop meaning1
13885023444dictionword choice (described by considering:) - syllables - formality/familiarity - connotation - specificity - sound2
13885584317monosyllabic (diction: syllables)one syllable in length3
13885586513polysyllabic (diction: syllables)more than one syllable in length4
13885596481colloquial (diction: formality/familiarity)slang5
13885596482informal (diction: formality/familiarity)conversational6
13885598735formal (diction: formality/familiarity)literary7
13885604103old-fashioned (diction: formality/familiarity)old-fashioned8
13885624708denotative (diction: connotation)containing an exact meaning (ex. dress)9
13885629874connotative (diction: connotation)containing a suggested meaning (ex. gown)10
13885636877concrete (diction: specificity)specific11
13885640727abstract (diction: specificity)general or conceptual12
13885645023euphonious (diction: sound)pleasant sounding (ex. languid, murmur)13
13885649876cacophonous (diction: sound)harsh sounding (ex. raucous, croak)14

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