13970713286 | Aberration | n. a deviation from what is normal or proper | 0 | |
13970713287 | Bequeath | v. To leave to another by will after one's death (law usage); to hand down | 1 | |
13970713288 | Capitulate | v. To surrender | 2 | |
13970713289 | Debilitate | v. To make feeble; to weaken | 3 | |
13970713290 | Ensconce | v. To settle in a safe, snug, or hidden place | 4 | |
13970713291 | Felicity | n. 1. Great happiness 2. A pleasing manner or style | 5 | |
13970713292 | Glutton | n. A person who eats or consumes to excess; a person who engages in a particular activity to excess | 6 | |
13970713293 | Hamlet | n. A small village | 7 | |
13970713294 | Implausible | adj. Difficult to believe; unlikely | 8 | |
13970713295 | Loathe | v. To dislike intensely | 9 | |
13970713296 | Malice | n. A desire to cause harm to others | 10 | |
13970713297 | Nostalgia | n. A sentimental longing for things of the past | 11 | |
13970713298 | Pilfer | v. To steal, especially in small amounts | 12 | |
13970713299 | Recompense | n. Payment in return for something, especially damages v. To pay or to pay for | 13 | |
13970713300 | Volition | n. 1. The ability to choose willfully 2. A choice; the act of making a choice | 14 | |
13970713301 | Allusion | n. An indirect reference | 15 | |
13970713302 | Chronic | adj. Lasting and recurring for a long time | 16 | |
13970713303 | Denunciation | n. Open disapproval | 17 | |
13970713304 | Embellish | v. 1. To make beautiful by decorating 2. To improve by adding decorative details | 18 | |
13970713305 | Ferment | n. A state of agitation and excitement; unrest v. To cause or to undergo a breakdown of chemical substances into simpler substances, especially sugar into alcohol | 19 | |
13970713306 | Haggard | adj. Appearing worn and exhausted due to overwork or worry | 20 | |
13970713307 | Ingratiate | v. To win favor with others | 21 | |
13970713308 | Lassitude | n. A state of weakness and weariness | 22 | |
13970713309 | Malign | v. To speak unfavorably about adj. Evil or harmful | 23 | |
13970713310 | Philistine | n. Someone who is uninterested in or hostile to art or culture. adj. Smug; ignorant | 24 | |
13970713311 | Ramshackle | adj. Poorly constructed or maintained; rickety | 25 | |
13970713312 | Sage | adj. Sensible and wise n. A person of celebrated wisdom or judgement | 26 | |
13970713313 | Transcend | v. To pass above or beyond its limits of; to be above or beyond the limits of | 27 | |
13970713314 | Voluminous | adj. Having great size or capacity | 28 | |
13970713315 | Wistful | adj. 1. Full of longing or desire 2. Sad in thought; pensive | 29 | |
13970713316 | Anonymity | n. The state of being unknown | 30 | |
13970713317 | Awry | adj. 1. Turn or twisted to one side 2. Unexpectedly wrong; off course | 31 | |
13970713318 | Citadel | n. A fortress | 32 | |
13970713319 | Delirious | adj. Experiencing uncontrolled excitement, emotion, or confusion | 33 | |
13970713320 | Effervescent | adj. High-spirited; lively | 34 | |
13970713321 | Fervor | n. Feeling of intense emotion | 35 | |
13970713322 | Hoard | n. A secret supply for future use; a stash v. To gather or accumulate discreetly | 36 | |
13970713323 | Kiosk | n. A small, open structure resembling a pavilion or gazebo | 37 | |
13970713324 | Muster | v. To call or summon together n. A gathering of persons for inspection | 38 | |
13970713325 | Partisan | n. A strong, sometimes militant, supporter of a cause or group adj. Devoted to a particular side or group | 39 | |
13970713326 | Prodigious | adj. 1. Far better than or beyond average 2. Impressively great in power, size, or extent | 40 | |
13970713327 | Refurbish | v. To make bright, clean, or appealing again | 41 | |
13970713328 | Sporadic | adj. Occurring singly in scattered locations at unpredictable intervals | 42 | |
13970713329 | Thoroughfare | n. A main road or public highway | 43 | |
13970713330 | Venerable | adj. Worthy of respect; respected | 44 | |
13970713331 | Acclaim | v. To approve or praise loudly n. Enthusiastic approval | 45 | |
13970713332 | Bedraggled | adj. Wet and filthy as though having been dragged through mud | 46 | |
13970713333 | Cryptic | adj. Having a hidden or secret meaning | 47 | |
13970713334 | Ebb | v. To flow or fall back, as the tide n. A period of decline | 48 | |
13970713335 | Fanatic | n. One who has excess devotion to and enthusiasm for a cause or idea | 49 | |
13970713336 | Haphazard | adj. Dependent upon chance; lacking any definite plan | 50 | |
13970713337 | Illuminate | v. 1. To brighten with light 2. To make clear; to rid of confusion | 51 | |
13970713338 | Legacy | n. Something handed down from ancestors or history | 52 | |
13970713339 | Maim | v. To disable or disfigure | 53 | |
13970713340 | Perceptive | adj. Extremely attentive to sensory input; keen | 54 | |
13970713341 | Repudiate | v. To reject as untrue | 55 | |
13970713342 | Solicitude | n. 1. Anxiety and concern 2. Concern for the well-being of others | 56 | |
13970713343 | Taint | v. To corrupt or ruin by contaminating | 57 | |
13970713344 | Trepidation | n. A state of fearful uncertainty; dread | 58 | |
13970713345 | Waif | n. A homeless person, especially an orphaned child | 59 | |
13970713346 | Assuage | v. To make less severe or painful | 60 | |
13970713347 | Blasphemous | adj. Disrespectful toward what is considered sacred | 61 | |
13970713348 | Celestial | adj. Of or relating to the sky or heavens | 62 | |
13970713349 | Dialogue | n. 1. A conversation between two people 2. The lines spoken by characters in a literary work (e.g., a play or in fiction) | 63 | |
13970713350 | Exuberant | adj. 1. Emotionally unrestrained and joyful 2. Lavish; abundant | 64 | |
13970713351 | Heretic | n. A person whose opinions conflict with established, popular beliefs | 65 | |
13970713352 | Incorrigible | adj. Incapable of correction or rehabilitation | 66 | |
13970713353 | Peevish | adj. Easily annoyed; irritable | 67 | |
13970713354 | Portend | v. To signal or warn of; to forecast | 68 | |
13970713355 | Quash | v. 1. To suppress with threat or force 2. To declare invalid | 69 | |
13970713356 | Reticent | adj. Disinclined to speak out; reserved | 70 | |
13970713357 | Squalid | adj. 1. Filthy and miserable, as from poverty 2. Morally revolting; sordid | 71 | |
13970713358 | Turbulent | adj. Violently disturbed; chaotic | 72 | |
13970713359 | Unorthodox | adj. Disregarding or defying tradition or standards | 73 | |
13970713360 | Wrath | n. Intense anger that is often vengeful | 74 | |
13970713361 | Anthology | n. A collection of short stories, poems, or plays | 75 | |
13970713362 | Alleviate | v. To make more bearable; to ease | 76 | |
13970713363 | Conciliatory | adj. Overcoming distrust or hostility through friendliness | 77 | |
13970713364 | Diminution | n. A lessening or a decrease | 78 | |
13970713365 | Esoteric | adj. Understood by or meant for only a small group | 79 | |
13970713366 | Grit | n. 1. Tiny grains of sand or stone 2. Determination and courage v. To clench together, as teeth | 80 | |
13970713367 | Ludicrous | adj. Humorously absurd and nonsensical | 81 | |
13970713368 | Menial | adj. Tedious and requiring little skill | 82 | |
13970713369 | Pessimistic | adj. Expecting only the worst or most negative outcome | 83 | |
13970713370 | Phosphorescence | n. Continuous emission of light from a substance requiring neither heat nor sustained exposure to radiation | 84 | |
13970713371 | Ransack | v. To rummage and steal | 85 | |
13970713372 | Salvo | n. A simultaneous discharge of guns or cannons, or an outburst resembling such a discharge. | 86 | |
13970713373 | Tentative | adj. Not definite or permanent | 87 | |
13970713374 | Vicarious | adj. Felt as if one were taking part in the experiences or feelings of another person | 88 | |
13970713375 | Yearn | v. To desire intensely, sometimes with sadness | 89 | |
13970713376 | Arid | adj. Lacking water or rainfall; very dry | 90 | |
13970713377 | Compatible | adj. Capable of existing or working together | 91 | |
13970713378 | Deplore | v. 1. To condemn 2. To regret | 92 | |
13970713379 | Fraught | adj. 1. Filled with; laden 2. Emotionally distressed or distressing | 93 | |
13970713380 | Incontrovertible | adj. Impossible to dispute or disprove | 94 | |
13970713381 | Loquacious | adj. Talkative | 95 | |
13970713382 | Microcosm | n. A small part that represents the whole of a system | 96 | |
13970713383 | Ornate | adj. Richly and elaborately decorated | 97 | |
13970713384 | Petulant | adj. Easily annoyed; peevish | 98 | |
13970713385 | Quip | n. A witty remark, sometimes sarcastic v. To make a witty or clever remark | 99 | |
13970713386 | Scoff | v. To mock with contempt | 100 | |
13970713387 | Tantalize | v. To excite by flaunting a desired thing and keeping it just out of reach | 101 | |
13970713388 | Urbane | adj. Polite and refined in manner, as from vast social experience | 102 | |
13970713389 | Volatile | adj. Tending to change suddenly; explosively | 103 | |
13970713390 | Wanton | adj. 1. Wastefully excessive 2. Reckless and indifferent toward morality, decency, or justice | 104 | |
13970713391 | Apathy | n. A lack of interest or emotion | 105 | |
13970713392 | Bludgeon | v. To strike with a club n. A short, heavy club with one end heavier than the other | 106 | |
13970713393 | Cursory | adj. Performed quickly with little attention to detail | 107 | |
13970713394 | Eloquent | adj. Clear, expressive, and moving in speech | 108 | |
13970713395 | Forlorn | adj. Wretched, hopeless, and pitiful | 109 | |
13970713396 | Innumerable | adj. too numerous to be counted | 110 | |
13970713397 | Murky | adj. 1. dark and gloomy 2. cloudy; unclear. | 111 | |
13970713398 | Ordeal | n. A painful or difficult experience | 112 | |
13970713399 | Phoenix | n. 1. A bird of Egyptian mythology that periodically burned itself up and then rose from the ashes with renewed youth and vigor. 2. A person or thing of unmatched quality | 113 | |
13970713400 | Rebuff | v. To revise bluntly n. A blunt refusal | 114 | |
13970713401 | Scrupulous | adj. 1. Very attentive to what is right and wrong 2. Extremely attentive to detail; meticulous | 115 | |
13970713402 | Specter | n. 1. A ghostly apparition 2. A mental image of an unsettling thing or event. | 116 | |
13970713403 | Textile | n. Cloth made from weaving or knitting | 117 | |
13970713404 | Ultimatum | n. A final demand or threat | 118 | |
13970713405 | Vanguard | n. 1. The forwardmost units of an advancing army 2. Any group leading a new trend in a certain field | 119 | |
13970713406 | Amass | v. To gather things together, usually for pleasure or profit | 120 | |
13970713407 | Bravado | n. A showy or false display or courage | 121 | |
13970713408 | Commiserate | v. To feel or to express sorrow; to sympathize | 122 | |
13970713409 | Deter | v. To prevent from doing or happening | 123 | |
13970713410 | Euphemism | n. An inoffensive term substituted for an offensive term | 124 | |
13970713411 | Fledgling | n. 1. A long bird just ready to fly 2. An inexperienced young person adj. Young and inexperienced | 125 | |
13970713412 | Lavish | adj. 1. Extravagant and abundant 2. Excessively generous v. To give generously and extravagantly | 126 | |
13970713413 | Menagerie | n. A collection of animals on display | 127 | |
13970713414 | Occult | adj. Of or dealing with magic or the supernatural | 128 | |
13970713415 | Peripheral | adj. Of, near, or related to the outer edge or boundary | 129 | |
13970713416 | Profusion | n. A great quantity or amount; an abundance | 130 | |
13970713417 | Recluse | n. A person who lives a secluded, solitary life | 131 | |
13970713418 | Skittish | adj. Nervously excitable | 132 | |
13970713419 | Tangible | adj. Actual; real; capable of being perceived by the senses | 133 | |
13970713420 | Undulate | v. To move in or cause to move in a wavelike motion | 134 |
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