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AP Literature Tone Words Flashcards

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13848477870AcerbicSour or bitter in taste (bitter)0
13848477875AudaciousDisposed to venture or take risks (adventurous)1
13848477876BanalRepeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse (familiar, cliche)2
13848477877BellicoseHaving or showing a ready disposition to fight (hostile)3
13848477878BrusqueMarked by rude or peremptory shortness (snobby/ rude)4
13848477879Bucolicrelating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life5
13848477882CapriciousDetermined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity6
13848477888CholericCharacterized by anger7
13848477889ChurlishHaving a bad disposition; surly8
13848477892DemureAffectedly shy especially in a playful or provocative way (flirtatious)9
13848477893DiffidentShowing modest reserve10
13848477894DilatoryWasting time11
13848477897DerisiveExpressing contempt or ridicule12
13848477898Earnestcharacterized by a firm, humorless belief in one's opinion13
13848477899Ebullientjoyously unrestrained14
13848477901EffusiveUttered with unrestrained enthusiasm15
13848477902EnervatingCausing weakness or debilitation16
13848477909FacetiousCleverly amusing in tone17
13848477910FatuousDevoid of intelligence (dumb)18
13848477914GaucheLacking social polish (unrefined uncultivated)19
13848477915InaneDevoid of intelligence (stupid)20
13848477917IncensedAngered at something unjust or wrong21
13848477918IncisiveDemonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions22
13848477919IndignantAngered at something unjust or wrong23
13848477920IndolentDisinclined to work or exertion (lazy)24
13848477921IneffableDefying expression or description (astonishing)25
13848477923Jejunenaive, simplistic, superficial OR boring, uninteresting26
13848477924JocundFull of or showing high-spirited merriment (extremely happy)27
13848477926LaudatoryFull of or giving praise28
13848477927LoquaciousFull of trivial conversation (talkative)29
13848477928LugubriousExcessively mournful (extremely sad)30
13848477929MacabreShockingly repellent; inspiring horror31
13848477931MiasmicFilled with vapor (Mirage)32
13848477932MordantHarshly ironic or sinister (rudely sarcastic)33
13848477933MoroseBrooding and depressed34
13848477934MyopicShortsighted; lacking imagination or foresight35
13848477937ObsequiousAttempting to win favor from influential people by flattery (brown noser)36
13848477938OdiousUnequivocally detestable37
13848477940OmnipotentHaving unlimited power38
13848477942PedanticMarked by a narrow focus on or display of learning39
13848477943PejorativeExpressing disapproval40
13848477944PerniciousExceedingly harmful41
13848477945PithyConcise and full of meaning (meaningful)42
13848477947PoignantKeenly distressing to the mind or feelings43
13848477948ProvocativeServing or tending to excite or stimulate44
13848477949PuerileDisplaying or suggesting a lack of maturity45
13848477951Reconditelittle known, abstruse (obscure)47
13848477952ReticentReluctant to draw attention to yourself by talking (timid)48
13848477953ReverentFeeling or showing profound respect or veneration49
13848477954Reflectivecharacterized by deep thought, thoughtful50
13848477955RibaldHumorously vulgar (crass)51
13848477956SardonicDisdainfully or ironically humorous52
13848477957SeductiveTending to entice into a desired action or state53
13848477959SpeciousPlausible but false (false hope)54
13848477960SuccinctBriefly giving the gist of something (summary)55
13848477961SuperciliousHaving or showing arrogant superiority to (pompous)56
13848477962TimorousTimid by nature or revealing timidity57
13848477963UbiquitousBeing present everywhere at once (over used)58
13848477964UnctuousUnpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating (flattering)59
13848477965VehementMarked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions (extremely emotional)60
13848477966Visceralrelating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect61
13848477967VitriolicHarsh, bitter, or malicious in tone62
13848477968VolatileLiable to lead to sudden change or violence (vicious/ dangerous)63
13848477969ZealousMarked by active interest and enthusiasm (enthusiastic)64

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