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AP Latin Important People Flashcards

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9988853980AchatesArmor-bearer of Aeneas during the Trojan War. Accompanies Aeneas when he enters Carthage and later when he visits Evander at Palladium.0
9988853981AeneasHero of the Aeneid, son of Venus and Anchises, husband of Creusa, father of Ascanius/Iulus.1
9988853982AeolusKing of the winds who is bribed by Juno to unleash winds to destroy Aeneas' ships and then is punished by Neptune for acting in his realm.2
9988853983AmataQueen of Latium, wife of Latinus, mother of Lavinia. Favors Turnus over Aeneas as a son-in-law. Commits suicide when she thinks her side has lost the Italian war.3
9988853984AnnaSister of Dido, persuades Dido to pursue Aeneas, holds Dido in her lap as Dido dies.4
9988853985Ascanius(=Iulus) Son of Aeneas. Venus puts Cupid in place of Ascanius so that Cupid can cause Dido to fall in love with Aeneas.5
9988853986Augustus(=Julius Caesar Octavianus). First emperor of Rome, commissioned Aeneid, appears in scenes showing the future as a savior of Rome.6
9988853987CacusFire-breathing monster, son of Vulcan, causes problems for the Arcadians until Hercules shows up and kills him.7
9988853988CassandraPriestess who always tells the truth but no one believes her, says that the horse spells doom for the Trojans.8
9988853989CharonBoatman who takes souls across the Styx.9
9988853990CupidSon of Venus, half-brother of Aeneas; replaces Ascanius to breathe love into Dido.10
9988853991DidoQueen of Carthage. Left Tyre/Sidon in Phoenicia when her brother Pygmalion killed her husband Sychaeus. Aeneas stays with her in Carthage for one year.11
9988853992EvanderKing of the Arcadians, who settle on the hills that would later become the site of Rome. Helps Aeneas by sending his troops and his son to fight against Turnus and his Latin allies.12
9988853993HectorSon of Priam, greatest of the Trojan warriors at Troy; appears to Aeneas in a dream during fall of Troy and tells him to leave.13
9988853994HecubaQueen of Troy, wife of Priam, urges her husband not to fight against the Greeks on account of his age.14
9988853995HerculesHero who saved the Arcadians (living at the site of the future city of Rome) from the monster Cacus. The victory is celebrated annually by the Arcadians.15
9988853996IarbasAfrican king, gave Dido land to settle. His proposal for marriage was rejected. He complains to Jupiter (=Hammo, his father) about Dido's reception of Aeneas.16
9988853997IlioneusEldest Trojan after the death of Anchises. He delivers speeches to Dido and Latinus when Aeneas is absent.17
9988853998IrisMessenger of Juno, sent down to free Dido's soul from her body because she was dying "neither by fate or a deserved death."18
9988853999JunoQueen of the gods, wife/sister of Jupiter, hates the Trojans, including Aeneas because: (1) the Trojan Paris picked Venus (Aeneas' mother) over her, (2) Jupiter chose the Trojan boy Ganymede to be his cup-bearer instead of her own daughter Hebe, and (3) Aeneas' descendants will destroy her favorite city, Carthage.19
9988854000JuturnaAn immortal nymph and sister of Turnus, who (at the instigation of Juno) disguises herself as Turnus' charioteer in a vain effort to keep Turnus from meeting Aeneas in combat.20
9988854001LaocoonTrojan priest of Neptune who tells the Trojans to be suspicious of the Horse. He and his sons were later killed by two snakes.21
9988854002LatinusKing of the Latins in Latium. An oracle told him that if his daughter Lavinia married a foreigner, their descendants would rule the world. He favors Aeneas, but war breaks out between the Trojans and Italian peoples, and Aeneas is unable to stop it.22
9988854003LaviniaDaughter of Latinus. Her chief suitor was Turnus until Aeneas arrived. Turnus thinks Aeneas is "stealing" Lavinia from him and concludes that Aeneas is another Paris.23
9988854004MarcellusAdopted son and heir of Augustus. He died young and tragically. Aeneas sees him in the underworld, and Anchises tells what a great man he would have been if he lived.24
9988854005MercuryMessenger god sent by Jupiter to tell Aeneas to leave Carthage in order to found a city and fulfill his destiny.25
9988854006NeptuneThe god of sea who calms the sea after Juno asks Aeolus to stir up a storm> The calming of the sea is compared to a statesmen calming a mob.26
9988854007PallasSon of Evander, who is entrusted to Aeneas to fight against Turnus and the Latins. He is killed by Turnus, who takes his sword belt -- an act which convinces Aeneas to kill Turnus at the end of the Aeneid.27
9988854008PriamThe King of Troy. He is killed by Achilles' son Pyrrhus at an altar during the sack of Troy.28
9988854009PygmalionThe evil brother of Dido. He secretly slew Dido's husband Sychaeus for his gold, but she found out from his ghost and fled to Carthage; Dido still feels threatened by him.29
9988854010PyrrhusSon of Achilles. He slays Priam brutally on an altar after killing Priam's son Polites.30
9988854011FamaRumor, described in an allegory as a divinity who spreads gossip first to Iarbas about the love of Dido and Aeneas, and then to Dido about the departure of Aeneas, and finally to Carthage about the death of Dido.31
9988854012SibylThe priestess of Apollo at Cumae. She escorted Aeneas in his journey to the underworld to visit his father.32
9988854013SinonA lying Greek who pretended to the Trojans to be a deserter. He persuades Trojans to take horse into the city by pretending to be a victim of Ulysses' wiles.33
9988854014SychaeusRichest man in Phoenician and husband of Dido. He was murdered by Pygmalion for his gold. His ghost appeared to Dido in dreams to warn her to flee with his hidden gold.34
9988854015TurnusThe King of Rutulians and rival of Aeneas in Italy. He was the favored suitor of Lavinia until Latinus heard oracle saying he must marry her to a foreigner (Aeneas).35
9988854016VenusThe goddess of love, mother of Aeneas (via Anchises) who frequently intervenes on her son's behalf.36
9988854017VulcanThe god of metal-working who forges arms for Aeneas at the behest of Venus. On the shield are depicted scenes of the future glory of Rome, with the Augustus at the Battle of Actium in the center.37
9988854018AmbiorixPrince of Eburones. He lies to the Roman commanders to persuade them to leave their winter quarters. One camp leaves and is slaughtered. The other stays and fights until Caesar arrives.38
9988854019VercingetorixLeader of a revolt of almost all of Gaul against Caesar, who besieges him at Alesia. He is almost Caesar's equal as a leader and orator. His surrender ends the rebellion.39
9988854020Cotta (Lucius Arunculeius Cotta)Roman legatus who wants to stay in camp when Ambiorix offers safe passage out. He loses the debate and dies in the subsequent ambush.40
9988854021OrgetorixA prominent Helvetian who persuaded the people to leave their country and march east in search of better lands. He conspired with others to become ruler of all Gaul. His conspiracy was disclosed and brought to trial, but he suddenly died.41
9988854022Pullo and VorenusCenturions of 11th legion who were rivals. They rescue each other when they sally from their camp to show their courage.42
9988854023Sabinus (Quintus Titurius Sabinus)Roman legatus who argues for leaving camp when Ambiorix offers safe passage. When the Romans are ambushed, he again tries to negotiate with Ambiorix and is treacherously killed43
9988854024the Tenth LegionCaesar's favorite legion44

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