Only trying to succeed so feel free to help correct the definitions or part of speech if they are wrong
14267996376 | plaintive (adj.) | sounding sad and mournful | 0 | |
14268023054 | portend (v.) | be a sign or warning that something is likely to happen | 1 | |
14268071094 | portentous (adj.) | of or like a portent | 2 | |
14268037339 | semblance (n.) | the outward appearance, unreal appearance | 3 | |
14268047829 | penury (n.) | extreme poverty; destitution | 4 | |
14268080501 | desolate (adj.) | uninhabited, bleak, deserted and dismal; unhappy or lonely | 5 | |
14268103596 | desolate (v.) | make bleakly, and depressingly empty or bare; make unhappy | 6 | |
14268203959 | ascetic (adj) | suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons | 7 | |
14268211681 | ascetic (n.) | person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention | 8 | |
14268234271 | sullen (adj.) | bad-tempered and sulky, gloomy; (of the sky) full of dark clouds | 9 | |
14268241476 | sullen (n.) | a sulky or depressed mood | 10 | |
14268245812 | peremptory (adj.) | insisting on immediate attention or obedience; not open to appeal or challenge | 11 | |
14268289090 | soporific (adj.) | tending to induce drowsiness or sleep; sleepy or drowsy; tediously boring | 12 | |
14268301782 | soporific (n.) | drug or other agent that induces sleep | 13 | |
14268308362 | ludicrous (adj.) | so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous | 14 | |
14268314715 | facade (n.) | the face of a building that looks onto a street or open space; a deceptive outward appearance | 15 | |
14268337821 | approbation (n.) | approval or praise | 16 | |
14268341690 | interminable (adj.) | endless (often used hyperbolically) | 17 | |
14268356692 | calumny (n.) | the making of false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone's reputation; a false and slanderous statement | 18 | |
14268367771 | acquiesce (v.) | accept something reluctantly but without protest | 19 | |
14268396204 | propitious (adj.) | giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable | 20 | |
14268443453 | venerate (v.) | regard with great respect; revere | 21 | |
14268452841 | phlegmatic (adj.) | having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition | 22 | |
14268459213 | enigma (n.) | a person/thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand | 23 | |
14268466381 | deprecate (v.) | to express disapproval of | 24 | |
14268477582 | noxious (adj.) | harmful, poisonous, lethal | 25 | |
14268487204 | assiduous (adj.) | showing great care and perseverance | 26 | |
14268498316 | solicitous (adj.) | characterized by or showing interest or concern; eager or anxious to do something | 27 | |
14268513683 | fastidious (adj.) | very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail; very concerned about matters of cleanliness | 28 | |
14268524325 | insipid (adj.) | lacking flavor; lacking vigor or interest | 29 | |
14268536161 | inveterate (adj.) | having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change | 30 | |
14268551071 | enervate (v.) | cause (someone) to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken | 31 | |
14268556536 | enervate (adj.) | lacking in energy or vitality | 32 | |
14268561602 | trepidation (n.) | a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen; trembling motion | 33 | |
14268570271 | intrepid (adj.) | fearless, adventurous | 34 | |
14268576612 | evince (v.) | reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling); be evidence of; indicate | 35 | |
14268584347 | engender (v.) | cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition) | 36 | |
14268592218 | capricious (adj.) | given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior | 37 | |
14268600286 | countenance (n.) | a person's face or facial expression; support | 38 | |
14268611225 | countenance (v.) | admit as acceptable or possible | 39 | |
14268615133 | conjecture (n.) | an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information; unproven mathematical or scientific theorem; suggestion or reconstruction of a reading of a text not present in the original source | 40 | |
14268631350 | conjecture (v.) | form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information; propose | 41 | |
14268644084 | inexorable (adj.) | impossible to stop or prevent; (of a person) impossible to persuade by request | 42 | |
14268664452 | sardonic (adj.) | grimly mocking or cynical | 43 | |
14268669018 | impetuous (adj.) | acting or done quickly and without thought or care; moving forcefully or rapidly | 44 | |
14268674948 | equivocal (adj.) | open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain or questionable in nature | 45 | |
14268683976 | transitory (adj.) | not permanent | 46 | |
14268688631 | ephemeral (adj.) | lasting for a very short time | 47 | |
14268693094 | ephemeral (n.) | short-lived plant | 48 | |
14268704657 | obscure (adj.) | not discovered or known about; uncertain; not clearly expressed; not important or well known; vague; not sharply defined | 49 | |
14268717045 | obscure (v.) | keep from being seen; conceal; make unclear and difficult to understand; overshadow | 50 | |
14268726490 | sanguine (adj.) | optimistic or positive, especially in a bad situation; blood-red; bloody or bloodthirsty | 51 | |
14268741089 | sanguine (n.) | a blood-red color; a blood-red stain used in blazoning | 52 | |
14268745427 | prodigal (adj.) | spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant; having or giving something on a lavish scale | 53 | |
14268762373 | prodigal (n.) | a person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way | 54 | |
14268783399 | discern (v.) | to recognize; distinguish with difficulty by sight or with the other senses | 55 | |
14268806144 | profligate (adj.) | recklessly extravagant/wasteful in the use of resources; licentious; dissolute | 56 | |
14268816166 | profligate (n.) | a licentious, dissolute person | 57 | |
14268820804 | languid (adj.) | displaying/having a disinclination for physical exertion/effort; slow and relaxed; pleasantly lazy and peaceful; weak or faint from illness or fatigue | 58 | |
14268837833 | sententious (adj.) | given to moralizing in a pompous manner, self-righteous | 59 | |
14268842657 | disposition (n.) | a person's inherent qualities of mind and character; inclination or tendency; way in which something or people is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things; action of distributing or transferring property or money to someone; the power to deal with something as one pleases | 60 | |
14268872584 | apoplexy (n.) | unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke; incapacity or speechlessness cause by extreme anger | 61 | |
14268881593 | insuperable (adj.) | impossible to overcome | 62 | |
14268884973 | indefatigable (adj.) | persisting tirelessly | 63 |