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Early Discovery and Settlement - Quiz 3


The Mayflower Compact is significant in American political thought because?

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in it the people regard themselves as the source of political power.

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it was copied for the Massachusetts Bay Charter.

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in it the people agreed to be bound by the will of the majority.

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in it church and state are separated.

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in it were provisions guaranteeing civil rights for women and blacks.

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The Virginia Company attracted new settlers to its colony after 1609 by?

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offering them a share of the company's profits.

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advertising the benefits of Virginia's healthy environment and comfortable living conditions.

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promising free land at the end of seven years' labor for the company.

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paying significantly higher wages than those prevailing throughout Europe.

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The Half-Way Covenant was adopted because?

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too few second- and third-generation Puritans were willing to testify publicly about their conversion experiences.

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Puritans believed that Native Americans were not capable of becoming fully Christian.

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Puritans wanted to justify enslavement of converted Indians and Africans.

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Puritans wanted to justify enslavement of converted Indians and Africans.

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The CHIEF significance of the Great Awakening was that it?

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led to the foundation of many colleges.

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provided Jonathan Edwards with an opportunity to preach.

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was the first genuine unified movement of the American colonists.

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revived intolerance in the colonies.

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created a new interest in church attendance.

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Which of the following statements does NOT express the attitudes or beliefs of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

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they had a special covenant relationship with God.

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their colony should be a moral example to the entire world, especially to England.

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migrating to America was the best way to reform England.

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the Church of England had become so corrupt that all true Christians were obligated to separate from it.

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God would reward their obedience with temporal blessings.

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Which of the following characterized life in the Chesapeake region in the early 17c?

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a relatively long life expectancy compared with that in the harsh environment of New England.

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rapidly developing urbanization.

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a population density which required residents to live in close proximity to neighbors.

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the presence of many more men than women, giving women somewhat greater status because of their scarcity.

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As a result of the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia?

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the large estates were divided into smaller agricultural units.

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a scattered pattern of settlement emerged in the colony.

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the Virginia Company began to send male laborers to the colony.

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settlers began to congregate in urban areas.

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The Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 provided for?

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freedom of conscience for those not accepting the Trinity.

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the tolerance of most Christian churches.

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an end to tax support for any church.

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a complete separation of church and state.

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the extension of the vote to Jews and non-Christians.

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During the first two decades of the 17c, all of the following aided in the establishment and growth of the colony at Jamestown, Virginia, EXCEPT?

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the establishment of the Virginia House of Burgesses.

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the beginning of tobacco cultivation.

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large influxes of supplies and colonists from England.

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the establishment of the ownership of private property.

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good relations with the local Native Americans.

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Anne Hutchinson's teaching threatened to undermine the spiritual authority of the established clergy because she?

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claimed believers could communicate directly with God.

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preached that the clergy was corrupt.

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denounced clergymen who were also politicians.

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stressed faith over good works.

Should not have chosen

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