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The Road to Revolution: 1754-1775 - Quiz 1

Question 1

According to the Proclamation of 1763?

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colonial militiamen were required to put down Pontiac's Rebellion.

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colonial paper money could not be printed.

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contact between colonials and Indians was strictly forbidden.

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settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians.

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speculators were allowed to purchase certain lands from trans-Appalachian tribes.

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Question 2

Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

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blamed George III for the colonies' problems and urged Americans to declare their independence.

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was a call for the abolition of slavery.

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insisted that the British allow the colonies to elect their own representatives to Parliament.

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criticized the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

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demanded that a strong executive be included in the Constitution.

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Question 3

The Stamp Act Congress was significant because it?

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demonstrated that the colonies were loyal to Parliament.

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repealed the Stamp Act.

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led directly to the First Continental Congress.

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failed to persuade Parliament of colonial discontent.

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marked an important step toward the unity of the colonies.

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Question 4

A historian compared tax lists for the years 1687 and 1771. What changes do you think he found in the Boston of 1771 compared to the Boston of 1687?

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an increase in the number of indentured servants entering Boston from abroad.

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a decline in the number of people considered poor and propertyless.

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an economy controlled by large landowners rather than by merchants.

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a more stratified social structure.

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a stable population with little geographical, occupational, economic, or generational mobility.

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Question 5

The Intolerable Acts of 1774 included all of the following EXCEPT?

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the closing of Boston harbor.

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making the Massachusetts council and judiciary appointive.

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new taxes on glass, tea, lead, and paper.

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allowing trials of accused colonial officials to be moved to England.

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authorizing the governor to limit town meetings to as few as one a year.

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Question 6

Colonial Committees of Correspondence were created to?

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keep colonial intellectuals in contact with each other.

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publicize grievances against England.

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improve the writing skills of young gentlemen.

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correspond with English radicals who supported the American cause.

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Question 7

Benjamin Franklin epitomized which movement in colonial America?

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the Enlightenment.

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the Great Awakening.

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the loyalist movement.

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the abolitionist movement.

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the Glorious Revolution.

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Question 8

Which was NOT a result of the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)?

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France lost Canada.

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Great Britain incurred high war costs.

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Great Britain gained Louisiana.

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Great Britain saw a need to tighten its administrative system.

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Great Britain made a decision to reinvigorate the mercantile system.

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Question 9

Which of the following is an accurate description of the Sons of Liberty, created in 1765?

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this inter-colonial association was created by the elite in an attempt to channel crowd action into acceptable forms of resistance.

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the organization was founded by colonists who opposed the colonial resistance movement.

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this inter-colonial association was founded by a group of newspaper editors who composed a series of essays on the subject of liberty.

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the organization was strongest in the South and was composed of radicals who demanded separation from Great Britain.

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Question 10

Which of the following is typical of the role that colonial women played during the Townshend crisis?

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remaining at home to ensure that family affairs continued to function in an orderly fashion.

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providing refreshments at Sons of Liberty meetings.

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encouraging the men to be moderate and peaceful.

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organizing spinning bees.

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Question 11

The ideology of revolutionary republicanism?

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reflected common colonial interests and experiences.

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originated in the struggle of American colonists against imperial despotism.

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borrowed ideas from a variety of former Whig and Enlightenment thinkers.

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provided a coherent doctrine to which all colonists could subscribe.

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Question 12

Which of the following statements best expressed the argument presented by John Dickinson in Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania?

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Parliament may regulate colonial trade only with the concurrence of the colonial legislatures.

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parliament has no authority over the colonies.

Should not have chosen

Parliament does not have the power to regulate colonial trade.

Should not have chosen

Parliament may not use its power to regulate colonial trade for the purpose of raising revenue.

Should have chosen

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