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The Road to Revolution: 1754-1775 - Quiz 2


A writ of assistance?

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allowed the British to ransack a colonial merchant's house in search of illegal goods.

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helped colonial merchants cut through the red tape of imperial trade regulations.

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required prosecutors to present evidence of probable cause for suspicion of smuggling.

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required that specified colonial products be landed in Britain before being shipped to other countries.

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The Declaratory Act of 1766?

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required the colonists to provide barracks and supplies for British troops.

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forbade the American colonists to issue paper money.

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established a new duty on molasses.

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stated that parliament had the power to make laws binding on the colonies.

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established a tax on licenses, legal documents, and newspapers.

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One accomplishment of the First Continental Congress was to?

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enact the Declaration of Independence.

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raise an army to resist British aggression in Massachusetts.

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provide funds for Fort Ticonderoga.

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secure an alliance with France.

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petition the king to recognize the colonists' rights.

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The Molasses Act was intended to enforce England's mercantilist policies by?

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forcing the colonists to export solely to Great Britain.

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forcing the colonists to buy sugar from other British colonies rather than from foreign producers.

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forbidding the colonists to engage in manufacturing activity in competition with British industries.

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providing a favorable market for the products of the British East India Company.

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creating an economic situation in which gold tended to flow from the colonies to the mother country.

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The British response to the American claim of no taxation without representation was that?

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colonial assemblies would be permitted to vote on all new taxes.

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monies raised through taxes would be used for internal improvements in the colonies.

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American approval was necessary for internal taxes.

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members of Parliament represented the interests of all people in the British Empire.

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Parliament agreed it had no authority to impose taxes on the colonies.

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England passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to?

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punish Americans for protests to the Sugar Act.

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control the American press.

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raise money to reduce England's national debt.

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allow for illegal search-and-seizure of smugglers.

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allow Americans to settle the Ohio River Valley.

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Which of the following had the least significance in providing experience and concepts that were used by the colonists in their arguments and fight for independence?

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French and Indian War.

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New England town meetings.

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the development by the colonists of crops for export.

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use of the "Power of the Purse" by the Virginia House of Burgesses.

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the Albany Plan.

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The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the?

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repeal of the tax on tea.

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failure of other colonies to support Boston's action.

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opening of negotiations between Britain and Massachusetts.

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reopening of the Port of Boston to foreign trade.

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enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Act.

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Events in the late 1760s and early 1770s helped to bring about a new consensus in the colonies. What was the consensus?

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that the government could not tax the colonies because they were not represented in Parliament.

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that the British constitution could be altered by the passage of new laws.

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that Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce.

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that the American colonies would be free from tyranny only when they were independent of British rule.

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Which of the following states the principle of virtual representation, as it was argued during the 18c?

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paper money has value even though it is inherently worth very little.

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slave populations must be counted when figuring Congressional apportionment, even though slaves may not vote.

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American property-holding colonists may, if they so desire, join their state legislatures.

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all English subjects are entitled to a trial before a jury of their peers.

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all English subjects, including those who are not allowed to vote, are represented in Parliament.

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During the early 1770s, the patriots sought freedom from parliamentary authority but continued to pledge allegiance to the king. This patriot position was difficult for the British to understand because?

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in the British mind the king was part of Parliament and the two could not be separated.

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the British felt more allegiance to Parliament than to the king.

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the British wanted to replace the king with an elected head of state.

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in the British mind Parliament was divinely inspired.

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During the 1760s and 1770s the most effective American tactic in gaining the repeal of the Stamp and Townshend Acts was?

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tarring and feathering British tax agents.

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sending petitions to the king and Parliament.

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boycotting British goods.

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destroying private property, such as tea, on which a tax to be levied.

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destroying private property, such as tea, on which a tax to be levied.

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