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The American Revolution - Quiz 1

Question 1

The Declaration of Independence stated that?

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men are created unequal.

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governments derive their power from God.

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it was not right that a small island should rule a large continent.

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people have the right to abolish governments destructive of their rights.

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there shall be no taxation without representation.

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Question 2

A problem with the Spanish entry into the American Revolution against Britain was that Spain?

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entered as an ally of France rather than of the United States.

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demanded that the United States surrender Georgia as a price for its help.

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agreed to fight the British but only on the open seas.

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said it would attack only the British colonies in South America.

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Question 3

Britain enjoyed all of the following advantages in the Revolution EXCEPT?

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the greatest navy and best-equipped army in the world.

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superior industrial resources.

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greater commitment to the conflict.

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a coherent structure of command.

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Question 4

British strategy after 1778 was to?

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subdue New England by severing it from the other colonies, invading it from Quebec, and blockading it from the sea.

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capitalize on their relations with Native Americans in order to stabilize the backcountry and then press eastward toward the seacoast.

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seize key southern posts, enlist the aid of loyalist militiamen, and move northward to pacify one region after another.

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hang on until the Americans were worn down, out of supplies, and bankrupt.

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Question 5

Why was South Carolina less likely than Maryland to support the American Revolution?

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the Anglican church had less influence in South Carolina than it did in Maryland.

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there were fewer Scotch-Irish in South Carolina than there were in Maryland.

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South Carolina had a lower percentage of tenant farmers than did Maryland.

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the South Carolina population had a much higher percentage of blacks than did the Maryland population.

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Question 6

What was the role of African-Americans in the American Revolution?

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as the war dragged on, southern blacks were increasingly welcome to enlist.

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Americans generally avoided arming blacks, but the British eagerly recruited runaway slaves.

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though still enslaved, they rallied around the revolutionary rhetoric of freedom, uniformly supporting the American cause.

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very few slaves escaped to freedom; those who did, found themselves welcomed in the north, the West Indies, or Canada.

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Question 7

Why did relations between the elites and the common people change as a result of the American Revolution?

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the distribution of wealth changed dramatically during the Revolutionary era.

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the elites learned that they would have to treat the common people with respect in order to receive their support.

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the new state constitutions radically democratized politics and reduced the power of the elites.

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the departure of the loyalists removed most of the pre-Revolutionary elite from the nation.

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Question 8

Which of the following contributed most to the American victory in the Revolution?

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French military and financial assistance.

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the failure of Loyalists to participate in military action.

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a major American military victory at Valley Forge.

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support from the French Canadians.

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the British failure to capture Philadelphia.

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Question 9

General Charles Cornwallis' surrender at Yorktown resulted largely from the?

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failure of the British to capture and hold Charleston as a base of operations.

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mass desertion of Hessians from the British army.

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arrival of fresh Spanish soldiers to reinforce Washington's army.

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the defection of Benedict Arnold at West Point.

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French fleet winning control of the Chesapeake Bay.

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Question 10

The Treaty of Paris in 1783 stipulated?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

British recognition of American independence.

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establishment of the boundaries of the new United States from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River between the Great Lakes and Spanish Florida.

Should not have chosen

that Americans allow British collection of prewar debts from colonists.

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all of these choices are correct.

Should have chosen

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