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The Early Republic - Quiz 1


The Jay Treaty (1794) provided for?

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the acceptance of American trade with the French West Indies.

Should not have chosen

free navigation of the Mississippi.

Should not have chosen

an ending of the impressment of American seamen.

Should not have chosen

the settlement of the Canadian boundary.

Should not have chosen

evacuation of English troops from their posts along the Great Lakes.

Should have chosen

Women emerged from the American Revolution with the prescribed new responsibility of?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

enjoying the vote.

Should not have chosen

serving in local political office.

Should not have chosen

becoming public school teachers.

Should not have chosen

raising sons and daughters as good republican citizens.

Should have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established what precedent for new territories?

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equality of new states with old.

Should have chosen

fair treatment of Indians.

Should not have chosen

popular sovereignty.

Should not have chosen

support for public education.

Should not have chosen

prohibition of slavery.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following was NOT a cause of John Adam's defeat in the presidential election of 1800?

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the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Should not have chosen

the XYZ Affair.

Should not have chosen

Alexander Hamilton's disagreement with John Adams.

Should not have chosen

British harassment of American sailors.

Should have chosen

the failure of Adams to support war with France.

Should not have chosen

In the Republican vision of America, education was essential because?

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schools were the best place to teach children to be good party members.

Should not have chosen

an ignorant electorate could not be trusted to preserve democracy.

Should have chosen

business leaders needed to be educated.

Should not have chosen

schools were where religious values were taught.

Should not have chosen

The Judiciary Act of 1789?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

established a system of lower federal courts.

Should have chosen

provided for the election of federal judges.

Should not have chosen

provided for the establishment of state courts.

Should not have chosen

provided for the impeachment of federal officials.

Should not have chosen

was violated by William Marbury.

Should not have chosen

The primary issue in dispute in Shay's Rebellion was?

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the under-representation of western Massachusetts in the state legislature, leading to accusations of "taxation without representation."

Should not have chosen

the failure of Massachusetts to pay a promised postwar bonus to soldiers who had served in its forces during the Revolution.

Should not have chosen

the jailing of individuals or seizure of their property for failure to pay taxes during a time of economic hardship.

Should have chosen

the failure of Massachusetts authorities to take adequate steps to protect the western part of the state from the depredations of raiding Indians.

Should not have chosen

economic oppression practiced by the banking interests of eastern Massachusetts.

Should not have chosen

Washington's Farewell Address in 1796?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

warmly endorsed the appearance of two contending political parties in America.

Should not have chosen

warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances.

Should have chosen

was delivered to a joint session of Congress by Washington himself.

Should not have chosen

proposed a two-term limitation on the presidency.

Should not have chosen

The main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

capture French and British spies.

Should not have chosen

control the Federalists.

Should not have chosen

silence and punish critics of the Federalists.

Should have chosen

keep Thomas Jefferson from becoming president.

Should not have chosen

Hamilton proposed a tariff soon after the launching of the United States government in order to?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

stop the export of raw materials to Great Britain.

Should not have chosen

help develop manufacturing in the United States.

Should have chosen

help develop the American labor movement.

Should not have chosen

punish Great Britain for postwar harassment of American shipping.

Should not have chosen

support the creation of an American merchant marine.

Should not have chosen

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