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The Jeffersonian Age: 1800-1824 - Quiz 3


The War Hawks were?

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mostly from New England.

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eager for war against Napoleon in order to gain the Louisiana Territory.

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supporters of Jefferson and Madison's policy of economic coercion.

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Republicans from the West and South who wanted to take Canada from Britain and Florida from Spain.

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The resolutions from the Hartford Convention?

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helped to cause the death of the Federalist Party.

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resulted in the resurgence of states' rights.

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called for southern secession from the Union.

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supported use of state militias against the British.

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All of these statements support the foreign policy of Jefferson and Madison EXCEPT?

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the Embargo Act of 1807 kept American ships off the high seas and prevented impressment of our sailors by England.

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England and France needed our goods more than we needed their trade. They were at war and needed all the imports they could get.

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the Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act were embarrassingly close to a peace-at-any-price policy.

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circumstances can make avoidance of war a wiser policy than insistence upon national rights.

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had local officials aided the federal government in preventing smuggling, our rights as neutrals would soon have been observed by England and France.

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In the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812?

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most American demands were satisfied.

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the Americans made substantial concessions to the British.

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the issues that had led to war were finally resolved.

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nothing was settled beyond a restoration of the prewar status quo.

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Britain agreed to end the impressment of American seamen.

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In diplomatic and economic terms, the War of 1812?

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was a disaster for the United States.

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could be considered the Second War for American Independence.

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was considered a victory for Britain.

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resulted in the fall of the British government that concluded the conflict.

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In addition to the Embargo Act of 1807, a significant factor in the development of American industry in the period 1800-1820 was?

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the invention of the cotton gin.

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the availability of cheap immigrant labor.

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the development of railroads.

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the Louisiana Purchase.

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protective tariffs.

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Thomas Jefferson maintained that?

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only educated men could know the truth.

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until the masses were educated aristocratic government was more likely to be just than was republican government.

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by means of education, republican societies should train the ablest minds for leadership.

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education would make all men equal in ability.

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the greatest enemies of liberty were the over-educated.

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The outcome of the election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by?

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the Electoral College.

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a plurality of the popular vote.

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the Senate.

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the Supreme Court.

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the House of Representatives.

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The Lewis and Clark expedition occurred AFTER which of the following events?

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the War of 1812.

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the Louisiana Purchase.

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the Embargo Act of 1807.

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the Missouri Compromise.

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the Nullification Controversy.

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In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court declared that?

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Congress lacked the power to charter a national bank.

Should not have chosen

a state cannot tax an agency of the federal government.

Should have chosen

the state of Maryland was superior to the United States.

Should not have chosen

a college had a right to a charter.

Should not have chosen

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