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Reform Movements - Quiz 1


In his Essay, Resistance to Civil Government, Henry David Thoreau claimed that an individual should?

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no pay poll taxes.

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live in isolation and as simply as possible.

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obey only legitimately elected government officials.

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reject the artificial constraints of government.

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refuse to obey unjust laws.

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During the 1800s, members of the temperance movement agreed almost unanimously that?

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abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals.

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state governments should restrict the sale and consumption of alcohol.

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abstinence should include not only hard liquor, but also beer and wine.

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all of these choices are correct.

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Transcendentalists believed that?

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understanding" was more important than "reason.

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man should repress instinct and strive for externally imposed learning.

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each individual should strive to "transcend" the limits of intellect and allow emotions to create an "original relation to the universe."

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individuals should avoid anything that would bring one too close to the natural world.

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The asylum movement of the 1800s incorporated the principle of?

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freedom from strict discipline for prisoners and mental hospital inmates.

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the swift return of social deviants to the mainstream of society.

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firm, yet humane, treatment to rehabilitate the criminal and the insane.

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using lessons from Indian life to improve the rest of American society.

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In the 1820s and 1830s, Protestant revival evangelists like Charles Grandison Finney?

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proclaimed the possibility of salvation for all by individual effort.

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called for a crusade against personal immorality.

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worked for the reform of the larger society.

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all of these choices are correct.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson's transcendentalist philosophy included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT?

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an intimate connection between man and nature.

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the sanctity of the individual.

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self-reliance and independence of spirit.

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rejection of the existence of God.

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Which of the following did NOT characterize the early 19c religious movement known as the Second Great Awakening?

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extreme displays of emotion.

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an emphasis on individual convention.

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increased interest in social reforms such as the temperance movement.

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acceptance of slavery as ordained by God.

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extensive involvement by women and African-Americans.

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Before the Civil War, the movement for women's rights was particularly strong among the?

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The Oneida Community?

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advocated "free love" to redefine gender roles.

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called for celibacy and attracted members of conversion.

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believed it liberated women from the demands of male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family.

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was widely accepted and had almost no critics.

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Most founders of utopian communities believed that?

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if social arrangements could be perfected, the ills of society could be eliminated.

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if men and women lived together without being married, the population would decline.

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if perfect communities were created, the government would be forced to abolish slavery.

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if the natural defects of human society could be outlawed, men and women could live in harmony.

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Antebellum feminists were generally?

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devoted to the issue of women's rights to the exclusion of all else.

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active in other reform movements as well.

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indifferent to political issues while attentive to social causes.

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united in their goals and methods.

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After 1830, which of the following reform movements began to overshadow the others?

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women's rights.

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prison and penal reform.

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