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The Antebellum South - Quiz 1


Which of the following was NOT TRUE about slavery as a labor system?

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slavery was worth more in terms of investment than all the land in the South.

Should not have chosen

as slavery spread into the Deep South, wealth and power became more equally shared among the various classes of white southerners.

Should have chosen

it was slavery that made possible the South's "mass production" of agriculture products for export.

Should not have chosen

only a minority of Southerners owned slaves.

Should not have chosen

Manufacturing in the Old South lagged behind that in the North because?

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black labor was incompatible with industry.

Should not have chosen

white leaders in the South were more concerned with prestige than with profits.

Should not have chosen

the South lacked important natural resources.

Should not have chosen

cotton was a more profitable investment.

Should have chosen

The paternalistic view of slavery held that?

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slavery was a necessary evil that should be phased out as soon as was economically possible.

Should not have chosen

slavery was a totally unjustifiable abuse of humanity demanding immediate abolition.

Should not have chosen

slavery was an artifact of a more primitive past that would eventually fade out on its own.

Should not have chosen

slavery was necessary to keep blacks from developing their superior potential and eventually dominating the white race.

Should not have chosen

slavery was necessary to protect blacks from the mistreatment and abuse they would receive if they were freed.

Should have chosen

Which was true of free blacks living in the North during the thirty years prior to the Civil War?

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all Northern states granted free blacks the right to vote.

Should not have chosen

public facilities were integrated.

Should not have chosen

economic opportunities for employment matched those given to recent immigrants.

Should not have chosen

free public education was open to blacks.

Should not have chosen

racial tensions often exploded into riots.

Should have chosen

The American Colonization Society was an antislavery organization that?

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advocated racial equality.

Should not have chosen

sought full political rights for blacks.

Should not have chosen

favored immediate emancipation.

Should not have chosen

advocated the forced shipment of freed slaves to Africa.

Should have chosen

relied upon governmental action to end slavery.

Should not have chosen

William Lloyd Garrison pledged his dedication to?

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shipping freed blacks back to Africa.

Should not have chosen

outlawing the slave trade.

Should not have chosen

preventing the expansion of slavery beyond the South.

Should not have chosen

the immediate abolition of slavery in the South.

Should have chosen

The southern demand that slavery be allowed to expand into the territories seems to have been motivated by the?

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expectation that slavery would be even more profitable in the West than in the South.

Should not have chosen

fear that free territories could be used as bases for spreading abolitionism into the South.

Should have chosen

belief that expansion was necessary to allow the profitable sale of surplus southern slaves.

Should not have chosen

assumption of southern politicians that they should put forward extreme positions as a tactic in political bargaining with the North.

Should not have chosen

What lesson did white southerners learn from the Nat Turner Rebellion?

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that slave insurrections were an ever-present threat.

Should have chosen

that gradual emancipation was inevitable.

Should not have chosen

that slaves should not be allowed to work in cities.

Should not have chosen

that slaves should not be allowed to read the Bible.

Should not have chosen

Hinton R. Helper's The Impending Crisis of the South was intended as?

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a refutation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Should not have chosen

an argument against slavery as an economic institution.

Should have chosen

a rallying cry against abolitionism.

Should not have chosen

a condemnation of the violent acts of Preston Brooks.

Should not have chosen

a rational defense of the practice of slavery.

Should not have chosen

Antislavery sentiment underlay the formation in 1840 of the?

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Democratic Party.

Should not have chosen

Union Party.

Should not have chosen

Liberty Party.

Should have chosen

Republican Party.

Should not have chosen

Know-Nothing Party.

Should not have chosen

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