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The Antebellum South - Quiz 2


What impact did slavery have on the southern value system?

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the acceptance of slave labor had the effect of devaluing free labor in the South.

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slavery created a strong sense of community responsibility among the white majority.

Should not have chosen

the presence of slave labor created an egalitarian value system among the white majority.

Should not have chosen

slavery created constant tension between slaveowners and non-slaveowners.

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The split in the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1840 was over the issue of?

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the colonization of freed blacks in Africa.

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the right of blacks to speak in racially mixed gatherings.

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the right of women to participate in the antislavery society.

Should have chosen

the role of blacks and women in the antislavery movement.

Should not have chosen

During the late 1850s, the free laborites of the North came to believe in all of the following ideas EXCEPT?

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the perfect society was one of small-scale capitalism that allowed everyone a chance at upward mobility.

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slavery was such a moral evil that it must be abolished quickly.

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southern society was so backward that it constituted a threat to democracy and individualism.

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the South was engaged in a conspiracy to extend slavery throughout the nation.

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Harriet Tubman gained fame?

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in the gold fields of California.

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as an African-American poet.

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as an advocate of the Fugitive Slave Law.

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by helping slaves to escape to Canada.

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Approximately how many slaves would half of all slaveowning families have owned?

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fewer than 5.

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25 to 50.

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50 to 100.

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100 or more.

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The upper class plantation mistress?

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accepted a sexual code that kept white women pure, but tolerated sexual relations between white men and slave women.

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lived lives of leisure centered around artistic and literary pursuits.

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enjoyed the unique luxury of criticizing their own role in society as well as the slave system in general.

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faced an unexpected variety of burdensome managerial and service duties.

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The most divisive and controversial aspect of the slavery issue during the first half of the 19c was?

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the status of slavery in the territories.

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the right of abolitionists to send their literature throughout the U. S. mail.

Should not have chosen

the enforcement of the draconian Fugitive Slave Law.

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the status of slavery in the District of Columbia.

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the prohibition of international slave trade.

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What was the significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin?

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it contradicted prevailing stereotypes that described dark-skinned blacks as docile and submissive and light-skinned blacks as aggressive and intelligent.

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by presenting a dynamic slave society, the book challenged the common notion that slavery tore apart the black family.

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it provoked a more aggressive antisouthern and antislavery position in those who were uncertain on the slavery issue.

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all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

Between 1830 and 1860, many southerners came to defend slavery because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT?

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the growth of the cotton economy made slavery very profitable again.

Should not have chosen

they saw how the North silenced those with pro-slavery opinions while they remained tolerant of opposition.

Should have chosen

they believed slaves were better off than the poor unfortunate people who worked in northern factories.

Should not have chosen

the attacks of the abolitionists pushed them into defending the southern way of life.

Should not have chosen

Before the Civil War, the abolitionists used all of the following tactics EXCEPT?

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using moral persuasion on slaveholders.

Should not have chosen

providing assistance to escaped slaves.

Should not have chosen

lobbying state legislatures for "personal liberty" laws.

Should not have chosen

asking Congress for laws outlawing slavery in the states.

Should have chosen

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