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The Growing National Crisis: The 1850s - Quiz 1


By opening territory north of 36? 30' to slavery, the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the?

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Dred Scott decision.

Should not have chosen

Northwest Ordinance.

Should not have chosen

Missouri Compromise.

Should have chosen

Wilmot Proviso.

Should not have chosen

Compromise of 1850.

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Many Southerners supported the Compromise of 1850 because it?

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provided that cotton be substituted for currency as a medium of exchange.

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made the number of free states and slave states equal.

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legalized slavery in all the newly acquired territories.

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provided for the possible creation of five states out of Texas.

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provided for the return of fugitive slaves.

Should have chosen

In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that?

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Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United States.

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Dred Scott could not legally sue in a federal court.

Should not have chosen

the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.

Should not have chosen

Congress had no power to ban slavery from a territory.

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all of these choices are correct.

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Stephen Douglas' advocacy of popular sovereignty in the Kansas-Nebraska Act ignited rather than dispelled the flames of sectionalism. Popular sovereignty sought to?

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allow blacks to vote in the Kansas-Nebraska territories.

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force the Supreme Court to rule on slavery's constitutionality.

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forbid masters from returning runaway slaves to the South.

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let the residents of Kansas-Nebraska areas determine their own laws on slavery through elections.

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none of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

The 1860 Republican Party platform favored all of the following EXCEPT?

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construction of a transcontinental railroad.

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protective tariffs.

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the abolition of slavery.

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free homesteads.

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When the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) that the Missouri Compromise (1820) was an unconstitutional infringement on property rights, the Supreme Court was exercising?

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judicial review.

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impeachment procedures.

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original jurisdiction.

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a check on the executive branch of government.

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The new Republican party?

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quickly won voter support in the South in the elections of 1854 and 1855.

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prospered because of Northern outrage over "Bleeding Sumner" and "Bleeding Kansas".

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won the presidency the first time it fielded a national ticket.

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advocated popular sovereignty to defuse the issue of slavery in the territories.

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"Bleeding Kansas" gained its reputation for violence because of the?

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sporadic warfare between settlers on opposing sides in the battle over the slavery issue.

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actions of various bandit gangs that roamed the territory before the arrival of federal marshals.

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general lawlessness of cow towns like Dodge City and Abilene.

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U. S. Army's vicious tactics while driving the Indians out of the territory.

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Stephen A. Douglas argued in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that?

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the Dred Scott decision was unconstitutional.

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action by territorial legislatures could keep slavery out of the territories.

Should have chosen

popular sovereignty would guarantee slavery in all United States territories.

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Congress should reopen the Atlantic slave trade.

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Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because?

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he opposed the expansion of slavery in the territories.

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it allowed the doctrine of popular sovereignty to be overridden once statehood was achieved.

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its adoption might provoke Kentucky to leave the Union.

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he felt bound by President Buchanan's earlier rejection of it.

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In 1848, the Free Soil Party platform advocated all of the following EXCEPT?

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support of the Wilmot Proviso.

Should not have chosen

opposition to slavery in the territories.

Should not have chosen

free government homesteads for settlers.

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opposition to internal improvements.

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Despite earlier efforts to settle the issue, the slavery question became a major issue in the 1840s and 1850s because the?

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U. S. Supreme Court had a northern majority.

Should not have chosen

nation was expanding to the West.

Should have chosen

evangelists of the Second Awakening raised the issue frequently.

Should not have chosen

existing political parties needed an issue which would unite their members.

Should not have chosen

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