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The Civil War - Quiz 2


Sea power played an especially important role in the Civil War in the form of the?

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Confederate raids on northern shipping.

Should not have chosen

transportation of revel troops and supplies on steamboats.

Should not have chosen

Union blockade of the Confederate coast.

Should have chosen

ironclad ships that appeared during the war.

Should not have chosen

What was Jefferson Davis' central problem?

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in a culture that prized the English country gentry, Davis was rough-hewn and awkward.

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in a society that prized states' rights, Davis had to centralize authority.

Should have chosen

in a crisis that demanded tough-minded attention to military details, Davis was more of a grand strategist.

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in a war that required rapid mobilization of a whole society, most ordinary folk in the south expected a protracted conflict and hence were reluctant to enlist.

Should not have chosen

The content of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America indicated that a major difference between the South and the North concerned the understanding of?

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the role of the executive.

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the federal relationship of the states and the national government.

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representation in Congress.

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the impact of Supreme Court decisions.

Should not have chosen

The Battle of Antietam was?

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the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war.

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the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war.

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a proof to President Lincoln of the inspired leadership of General George B. McClellan.

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all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

During the Civil War, the term "Copperhead" referred to?

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Northerners who supported slavery.

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Southerners who opposed the Confederacy.

Should not have chosen

Northerners who called for the abolition of slavery.

Should not have chosen

Southerners who called for the abolition of slavery.

Should not have chosen

Northerners who opposed the Civil War.

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During the Civil War, northern black leaders such as Frederick Douglass worked as army recruiting agents because they believed that?

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it was the best way to prevent blacks from being drafted.

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blacks were more resistant to the diseases that ravaged white soldiers in the garrisons.

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blacks would get to see their loved ones in the South only by fighting for the Union.

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black participation in the army would be a step toward black citizenship.

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In foreign affairs, President Lincoln's most significant achievement was his success in?

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gaining the support of the czar of Russia for the Union cause.

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negotiating the demilitarization of the Canadian-American boundary.

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meeting the challenge to the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico.

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restraining foreign powers from recognizing the Confederacy.

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establishing claims to islands in the Pacific.

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States that sold public lands granted to them under the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 were required to use the income to?

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subsidize the construction of factories important to the war effort.

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train and supply state militia units.

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provide loans to railroad construction companies.

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promote public education in agriculture.

Should have chosen

The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because it?

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led to an immediate end to the war.

Should not have chosen

opened an invasion route to the North.

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inflicted a major loss on General Lee's army.

Should have chosen

cut off supplies to states west of the Mississippi River.

Should not have chosen

During the Civil War, most of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory of present-day Oklahoma?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

supported the Confederacy.

Should have chosen

remained neutral.

Should not have chosen

supported the Union.

Should not have chosen

gave up their slaves.

Should not have chosen

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