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Reconstruction - Quiz 1

Question 1

The North interpreted Black Codes as?

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evidence that the South sought to keep freemen in an economically dependent and legally inferior status.

Should have chosen

evidence that the South, by granting limited rights such as allowing jury service, was slowly accommodating to an improved status for former slaves.

Should not have chosen

a realistic solution by the South to the problems created by sudden emancipation.

Should not have chosen

dangerous experiment by the South that could lead to social equality for blacks in the North.

Should not have chosen
Question 2

During the Reconstruction, what groups was the backbone of the Republican party in the South, providing eight out of ten Republican votes?

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Ku Klux Klaners.

Should not have chosen
Question 3

In the presidential election of 1868, Ulysses S. Grant?

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transformed his personal popularity into a large majority in the popular vote.

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owed his victory to the votes of former slaves.

Should have chosen

gained his victory by winning the votes of the majority of whites.

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all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen
Question 4

Under new President Andrew Johnson, presidential Reconstruction?

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made it possible for former high-ranking Confederates to assume positions of power in the reconstructed southern governments.

Should have chosen

would implement a harsher program on the South than Lincoln had called for.

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adhered substantially to the views of Congressional leaders.

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never was implemented because Congress passed its own program before Johnson's could go into effect.

Should not have chosen
Question 5

Americans in the post-Civil War decades who waved the bloody shirt were?

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Republicans denouncing corruption in office.

Should not have chosen

southern Democrats reviving the sectional spirit of the Confederacy.

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Union Army veterans claiming their pensions.

Should not have chosen

labor supporters protesting the Haymarket riot.

Should not have chosen

Republicans reviving the memory of southern Democratic disloyalty during the Civil War.

Should have chosen
Question 6

In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment?

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applied the Bill of Rights to all the states.

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guaranteed the vote to all Blacks.

Should not have chosen

provided that separate but equal facilities were constitutionally permissible.

Should not have chosen

covered only violations of civil rights by the states, and not violations by private individuals.

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Question 7

What two issues lay at the heart of Reconstruction?

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whether the federal or state government was ultimately sovereign, and whether Africa-Americans or Native Americans were the most oppressed minority group.

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which party would gain the ascendance, and how the government could regulate the economy.

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the future of political and economic power for freed slaves, and the future of North-South economic and political relations.

Should have chosen

rebuilding the North's shattered economy and restoring the South's shattered society.

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Question 8

In 1867, Secretary of State Seward accomplished an enduring success in foreign relations for the Johnson administration when he?

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commissioned the building of an all-new ironclad navy.

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recognized the independent republic of Hawaii.

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purchased Alaska from Russia.

Should have chosen

called for American aid to republican rebels in Cuba.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen
Question 9

The president associated with the "Sellout of 1876" was?

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Rutherford B. Hayes.

Should have chosen

U. S. Grant.

Should not have chosen

Andrew Johnson.

Should not have chosen

William Howard Taft.

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James Buchanan.

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Question 10

Which of the following was NOT a feature of Abraham Lincoln's "10 Percent Plan"?

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state governments could be formed when at least 10% of those who had voted in 1860 had sworn allegiance to the Union and accepted emancipation.

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state governments could be formed when at least 10% of those who had voted in 1860 had sworn allegiance to the Union and accepted emancipation.

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southern plantations were to be confiscated and divided among the blacks who had formerly worked there as slaves.

Should have chosen

freedmen were excluded from participation because they had not been voters in 1860.

Should not have chosen
Question 11

The "grandfather clause"?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

resulted in the election of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876.

Should not have chosen

denied black Americans the franchise in the South.

Should have chosen

required federal troops to supervise voting in Southern elections.

Should not have chosen

determined whether or not an ex-slave was a freedman.

Should not have chosen
Question 12

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was important because it?

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prohibited slavery within the United States.

Should not have chosen

guarantegd equal protection under the law for every American citizen.

Should have chosen

prohibited any state from denying an American citizen the right to vote based on race/ethnic background, color, or having previously been a slave.

Should not have chosen

provided Congress with the power to establish and collect income taxes.

Should not have chosen

prohibited any state from denying women the right to vote.

Should not have chosen

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