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Reconstruction - Quiz 2

Question 1

The "Compromise of 1877" did which of the following?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

secured political rights for the freedmen.

Should not have chosen

granted political amnesty to former Confederate leaders.

Should not have chosen

ended federal military support of Republican administrations in the South.

Should have chosen

provided for a new method of counting the presidential electoral vote.

Should not have chosen

restored the Southern states to the Union.

Should not have chosen
Question 2

What brought the Radical and moderate Republicans together in an alliance against President Johnson?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the president's vetoes of the Freedmen's Bureau bill and the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Should have chosen

realization by congressional Republicans that Johnson was delaying readmission of the former Confederate states.

Should not have chosen

the president's proposal for an agency that would provide relief, rations, and medical care for impoverished southerners.

Should not have chosen

a desire to send a message to northern Democrats that they could work together to rebuild the South.

Should not have chosen
Question 3

This Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen


Should have chosen


Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen
Question 4

Andrew Johnson narrowly avoided conviction on impeachment charges because?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

of his earlier cooperative attitude toward Congress.

Should not have chosen

Radical Republicans were beginning to support his policies.

Should not have chosen

some Republicans feared that removal would set a bad precedent for using impeachment as a political weapon against the Presidency.

Should have chosen

only a minority of the Senate voted to convict.

Should not have chosen
Question 5

By the end of his presidency, Ulysses S. Grant's popularity had declined substantially because of?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the corruption evident in his administration.

Should have chosen

his harsh and brutal policies toward the South.

Should not have chosen

his support for "greenback" monetary policies.

Should not have chosen

revelations about his poor military leadership during the Civil War.

Should not have chosen

his refusal to support the Radicals in Congress.

Should not have chosen
Question 6

In the years after the Civil War, most freedmen ended up working as?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

farmers on land they owned.

Should not have chosen

farmers under a sharecropper system.

Should have chosen

wage laborers in the new textile mills.

Should not have chosen

itinerant day laborers in domestic and service jobs.

Should not have chosen
Question 7

The refusal of the South to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

caused most northerners to support the Radicals' demand that more economic opportunity be extended to freedmen.

Should not have chosen

caused a thorough restructuring of southern society.

Should not have chosen

led to general land reform in the South.

Should not have chosen

forced the Republicans to abolish the existing southern governments, form new governments, and extend the vote to freedmen.

Should have chosen
Question 8

The Thirteenth Amendment established?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the right to vote for the ex-slaves.

Should not have chosen

the two-term presidency.

Should not have chosen

the income tax.

Should not have chosen

female suffrage.

Should not have chosen

the legal end of slavery in America.

Should have chosen
Question 9

The Reconstruction policies of the Radical Republicans were probably motivated by?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

a humanitarian concern for the former slaves.

Should not have chosen

hopes for Republican power in the South.

Should not have chosen

bitterness over having to fight the costly war.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should have chosen
Question 10

The purpose of the Freedman's Bureau was to?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

gain the vote for the freed slave.

Should not have chosen

provide 40 acres and a mule for each slave.

Should not have chosen

get radical Republicans in positions of power in the South.

Should not have chosen

feed, adjust, and educate the former slaves, thus aiding their adjustment to freedom.

Should have chosen

work against the Black Codes.

Should not have chosen
Question 11

Which of the following best describes the defeat of the Ku Klux Klan?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

President Grant and the Justice Department used the Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 to put an end to Klan activity.

Should have chosen

public outcry against Klan activities forced the Klan to disband.

Should not have chosen

the Justice Department, prosecuting under the Civil Rights Act of 1866, threw most of the Klan leaders in jail, thus breaking the back of the movement.

Should not have chosen

militias formed by the Radical regimes in the southern states chased the Klan from the cities and its membership then quickly declined.

Should not have chosen

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