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The Rise of Big Business and the Labor Movement - Quiz 1


The concept of "limited liability" contributed to the development of corporations and was appealing to many Americans because?

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they risked only their own investment and were not responsible for the debts of the corporation.

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they did not have to be personally involved in the corporation to purchase stock in it.

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entrepreneurs could now amass great sums of money for investment purposes.

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all of these choices are correct.

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Why did the proportion of women working in clerical jobs increase in the late 19c and early 20c?

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because women had smaller hands than men, they were better typists.

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clerical work demanded many different skills that women usually possessed.

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because many women had taken typing and shorthand courses in school, employers did not have to invest much in training them.

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clerical jobs usually led to the managerial positions that most working women desired.

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In its approach to union organization, the Knights of Labor officially?

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welcomed both skilled and unskilled workers.

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stressed the organization of workers by craft.

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encouraged the use of the strike.

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discriminated against Blacks and women.

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A long-range influence of Samuel Gompers on the American labor movement was his advocacy of?

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unrestricted immigration.

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industrial unionism.

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compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes.

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non-involvement in party politics.

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government regulation of hours and wages.

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The first "big business" in America, at least in terms of finance, labor relations, and management, was?

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the oil refining industry.

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the telephone industry.

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the movie industry.

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the steel industry.

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the railroad industry.

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One of the most significant aspects of the Interstate Commerce Act was that it?

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revolutionized the business system.

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represented the first large-scale attempt by the federal government to regulate business.

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actually did nothing to control the abuses of big business.

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failed to prohibit some of the worst abuses of big business, such as pools and rebates.

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J. P. Morgan monitored his competition by placing officers of his bank on the board of companies that he wanted to control. This method was known as a(n)?

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interlocking directorate.

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vertical integration.

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horizontal integration.

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An important factor in the rapid development of industry in the United States during the last half of the 19c was?

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increasing competition in the oil business.

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the availability of capital for investment purposes.

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a stable economic cycle.

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effective regulation of monopolistic business practices by the national government.

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The Supreme Court in the United States v. Knight Company?

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diminished the effectiveness of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by ruling that manufacturing was not interstate commerce.

Should have chosen

declared the Granger laws unconstitutional because states could not regulate interstate commerce.

Should not have chosen

ruled that all trusts and monopolies in interstate commerce were illegal and could be broken up by the federal government.

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held that employers could force employees to sign and abide by "yellow dog contracts."

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The "Gospel of Wealth," as advanced by Andrew Carnegie, promoted the concept that people with wealth should?

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give aid directly to the poor.

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devout time to the public welfare.

Should not have chosen

donate the bulk of their wealth to religious institutions.

Should not have chosen

use their resources to help society.

Should have chosen

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