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Immigration and Urban Society: Late 19 Century - Quiz 2


Jane Addams is most closely associated with which of the following?:

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temperance reform.

Should not have chosen

higher education for women.

Should not have chosen

women's suffrage.

Should not have chosen

Protestant missions.

Should not have chosen

the settlement house movement.

Should have chosen

Those believing in the idea of the "Melting Pot" predicted that?:

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

each immigrant group would always maintain its separate identity.

Should not have chosen

all immigrant groups would eventually adopt an English culture.

Should not have chosen

a unique American culture would emerge from the blending of Old World cultures.

Should have chosen

some immigrant groups would retain their culture while others would gradually blend into the mainstream culture.

Should not have chosen

The social ethic which prevailed in late 19c America stressed that?:

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

family background should determine social rank.

Should not have chosen

social class should determine social rank.

Should not have chosen

greed had more to do with success than good character did.

Should not have chosen

economic success was available to anyone who worked hard.

Should have chosen

After 1890, increased immigration began to present a national problem because?:

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unskilled laborers tended to concentrate in crowded urban slums.

Should have chosen

contract laborers enabled employers to combat strikes effectively.

Should not have chosen

the American educational system could not absorb the numbers of immigrant children.

Should not have chosen

unskilled laborers could not become members of labor unions.

Should not have chosen

skilled laborers were essential to industry.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following enabled city dwellers of the late 19c and early 20c to live in greater comfort and safety?:


In the late 1800s, the available welfare services were generally provided to the urban poor by?:

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the bosses of the city machines.

Should have chosen

private philanthropic organizations.

Should not have chosen

federal relief agencies.

Should not have chosen

state welfare agencies.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

The most dangerous aspect of urban life in the late 19c was?:


Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support Tammany Hall?:

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

industrial and business leaders.

Should not have chosen

organized religion.

Should not have chosen

poor urban immigrants.

Should have chosen

middle-class shopowners.

Should not have chosen

wealthy rural landowners.

Should not have chosen

Europeans who came to the United States after 1880 have been described as "new" immigrants mainly because they?:

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

were considered physically and mentally superior to earlier immigrants.

Should not have chosen

arrived before the closing of the frontier and settled farms in the West.

Should not have chosen

came chiefly from northern and western Europe.

Should not have chosen

came generally from different countries than most earlier immigrants.

Should have chosen

The groups that migrated to the cities after the Civil War included large numbers of al of the following groups EXCEPT?:

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