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Intellectual/Social/Cultural Movements: 1870s - 1914 - Quiz 2


She was the Afro-American woman, born in slavery and later to become the respected editor of a newspaper, who fought hard against the campaign of lynching used in the south during the 1890s?

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Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Should not have chosen

Ida B. Wells.

Should have chosen

Harriet Tubman.

Should not have chosen

Dorothea Dix.

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Ida Tarbell.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following groups, organized in the 1880s, reflected anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant sentiments?

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the American Protective Association.

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the Liberty Party.

Should not have chosen

the Knights of Labor.

Should not have chosen

the National Civic Federation.

Should not have chosen

the Free Soilers.

Should not have chosen

John Dewey was associated with?

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the establishment of the junior high school.

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campaigning for child labor laws.

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the "back-to-basics" movement.

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progressive education.

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the establishment of tax-supported public schools.

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The Chautauqua movement was?

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an educational movement utilizing lectures and sermons.

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a political movement advocating better wages and hours for workers.

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an artistic movement which emphasized abstract forms.

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a religious movement promoting Protestant missions.

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a philosophical movement that defined truth in terms of results.

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Which of the following was among the objectives of Booker T. Washington?

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to keep up a constant agitation of questions of racial equality.

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to encourage Blacks to be more militant in demanding their rights.

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to encourage Blacks to work hard, acquire property, and prove they were worthy of their rights.

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to urge blacks not to accept separate but equal facilities.

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to form an organization to advance the rights of Blacks.

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Horatio Alger?

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used in influence in Washington to get many of the federal government's large steel orders for Andrew Carnegie.

Should not have chosen

coined the term "survival of the fittest."

Should not have chosen

wrote rags-to-riches storied for boys.

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was J. Pierpont Morgan's closest friend and financial adviser.

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Which of the following accurately describes a trend in American society in the 1880s and 1890s?

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the middle class declined in numbers and influence.

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the middle class declined in numbers and influence.

Should not have chosen

most married women worked to support their families.

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the workplace became more tightly organized and structured.

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the wealthy avoided signs of self-indulgence.

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In a country hungry for news, American newspapers at the end of the 19c?

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became sensationalist.

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printed hard-hitting editorials.

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repudiated the tactics of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst.

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came to rely less on syndicated material.

Should not have chosen

In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court argued that?

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segregation on the basis of race was unconstitutional.

Should not have chosen

the Fourteenth Amendment outlawed practices that emphasized racial distinctions.

Should not have chosen

separate but equal laws would create separate but unequal facilities.

Should not have chosen

states could pass laws separating people on the basis of race as long as equal facilities was provided.

Should have chosen

Which of the following became a major exponent of the architectural principle "form follows function"?

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Thomas Eakins.

Should not have chosen

Frank Lloyd Wright.

Should have chosen

August Saint-Gaudens.

Should not have chosen

Winslow Homer.

Should not have chosen

Mary Cassatt.

Should not have chosen

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