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Progressivism - Quiz 3


The advocates of women's suffrage significantly increased their general public support during the Progressive Era when they put increased emphasis on the argument that women's suffrage would?

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lead to full social and economic power for women within a generation.

Should not have chosen

increase political power and office-holding opportunities available to women.

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bring more women into the industrial work force, thereby countering recession.

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enhance the likelihood of the successful enactment of other progressive reform causes.

Should have chosen

With respect to government-controlled public lands, Roosevelt generally favored?

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absolute preservation in their natural states.

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leasing for unrestricted private exploitation.

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conservation with carefully managed development.

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outright sale to private developers who could use the land in any way they wished.

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Most urban working people opposed the actions of the progressives against the party machines because?

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the machines were a source of jobs and services.

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the bosses tended to be of the same nationality as the progressives.

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they felt that the progressives were meddling, middle-class snobs who did not understand their lives.

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they had been threatened with violence by the bosses if they supported the progressives.

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Which of the following was, in large part, a consequence of Upton Sinclair's 1906 book, The Jungle?

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President Theodore Roosevelt supported passage of the Meat Inspection Act.

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drug manufacturers agreed to stop selling impure merchandise.

Should not have chosen

railroad rate-making was taken out of the hands of the railroad industry and put into the hands of the ICC.

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President Roosevelt supported legislation to guarantee the rights of workers to bargain collectively.

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Which of the following statements best summarizes Theodore Roosevelt's position on trusts?

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trusts are an economic evil and should be destroyed in every case.

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only trusts in the railroad and oil industries are acceptable.

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good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are prevented from manipulating markets.

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only trusts in the meatpacking industry should be broken up.

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anything that stands in t he way of complete and unrestricted economic competition is evil and should be removed.

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Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the Progressives?

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they favored government regulation of business on behalf of the public interest.

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they were concerned with the social and economic conditions of the city.

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they advocated a more orderly and efficient society.

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they called for a stronger state and federal government.

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they represented farmers and the working class.

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The ideology of progressivism, insofar as it had one, generally?

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called for redistribution of incomes from wealthy to poor and a socialist approach to government.

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was rooted in firm and fixed standards of morality and truth.

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stressed trying to meet the special needs of each identifiable private interest.

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mixed a liberal concern for the poor with a conservative wish to control social disorder.

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Which statement describes both the "Square Deal" and the "New Freedom"?

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they were the legislative programs of reforming presidents.

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they stressed the importance of conservation.

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they were chiefly supported by Republicans.

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they included only political and legal reforms, not economic reforms.

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The income tax amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1913?

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recovered revenue lost by reducing the tariff.

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applied the same tax rate to all incomes.

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redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor.

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paid for the social-welfare programs of the Wilson administration.

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was repealed at the beginning of the Depression.

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The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government?

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brought democracy to urban dwellers.

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was designed to remove politics from municipal administration.

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was developed in Wisconsin.

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made giant strides under the leadership of Hiram Jackson.

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Jacob Coxey's 1894 march on Washington, D. C. called for?

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tougher immigration restrictions.

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a government takeover of the railroads.

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an increase in the supply of paper money.

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recognition of the legitimacy of labor unions.

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generosity in granting pensions to Civil War veterans.

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Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

advocated social-welfare programs.

Should not have chosen

opposed fragmentation of big industrial combines.

Should not have chosen

favored small enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Should have chosen

supported minimum-wage laws.

Should not have chosen

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