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World War I - Quiz 1


From the Red Scare of 1919 and 1920, it became clear that?

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large numbers of Soviet agents had infiltrated the federal government.

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communism tended to gain influence in times of economic prosperity.

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loyalty oaths helped to prevent espionage.

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people's fears of disloyalty could lead to the erosion of civil liberties.

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All were true of the impact of World War I on the federal government EXCEPT?

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centralized management along the lines of Roosevelt's Square Deal accelerated the creation of the modern bureaucratic state.

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the national debt multiplied tenfold.

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the Supreme Court struck down acts of Congress that curtailed American civil liberties.

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government-sponsored propaganda promoted psychological and social conformity.

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Which of the following was most crucial in bringing about U. S. participation in World War I?

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British propaganda.

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German use of submarines against merchant and passenger ships.

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revelation of a German proposal to Mexico for a joint war against the United States.

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German violation of Belgian neutrality.

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German atrocities against French and Belgian civilians in the occupied areas of those countries.

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The Red Scare of 1919 was influenced by all of the following EXCEPT?

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the October Russian Revolution.

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labor strikes in several areas of the United States.

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terrorist bombings.

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the continuation of World War I.

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formation of the American Communist Party.

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Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v. U. S.?

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the government's seizure and operation of the railroad industry is a constitutional use of its wartime powers.

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the government can restrict the First Amendment right to free speech in time of war.

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the government's prohibition of the manufacture and sale of distilled liquor is a constitutional use of its wartime powers.

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the government does have the power to compel young men to serve in the armed forces during time of war.

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Germany's notorious Zimmermann telegram?

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promised a temporary halt to submarine warfare.

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apologized for the sinking of the Lusitania.

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warned the United States not to send merchant ships to belligerent nations.

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rejected U. S. efforts for a truce in the fighting.

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proposed an alliance with Mexico if the United States declared war on Germany.

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Woodrow Wilson failed to obtain ratification of the Versailles Treaty because?

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a majority of the senators opposed the Treaty and the League of Nations under any circumstances.

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he made too many compromises with the Republican opposition.

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he was unwilling to make any compromise with Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

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the Republican senators wanted a stronger League of Nations.

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he was unwilling to publicly campaign for the Treaty.

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American involvement in World War I brought about which of the following social and economic changes in the United States?

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extensive black migration to the North.

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decline of trade unions.

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a loosening of controls on freedom of speech.

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reduction of the number of women in the workplace.

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a strengthening of anti-trust laws.

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The Sedition Act of 1918 was most often used to punish?

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persons who criticized the war effort.

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rich progressives who did not contribute money to the war effort.

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groups organized by George Creel to drive Bolsheviks and Germans out of the cities.

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members of the press from the Hearst and Pulitzer syndicates.

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Egyptians, Iranians, and others emigrating from the Middle East to the United States.

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Evidence that labor played a key role during World War I may be supported by all of the following EXCEPT?

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the AFL, led by Samuel Gompers, actively supported the war effort.

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despite labor cooperation, there were thousands of strikes (none of them major) during World War I.

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women for the first time entered the labor force in large numbers during the war.

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blacks came North in large numbers to fill the ranks of labor in mining, steel production, and transportation.

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In the first few years after World War I, relations between blacks and whites in America were generally characterized by?

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grudging acceptance due to common economic distress.

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relative cordiality due to the gallant service of blacks in the war.

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notable improvement due to new legal safeguards for blacks, which had been enacted during the Progressive Era.

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extreme resentment, race riots, and numerous lynchings.

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As a result of their work supporting the war effort, women?

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finally received the right to vote.

Should have chosen

in large numbers secured a permanent foothold in the work force.

Should not have chosen

were allowed to join the Air Force.

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all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

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