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World War I - Quiz 2


President Woodrow Wilson viewed America's entry into World War I as an opportunity for the United States to?

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reestablish the balance of power in European diplomacy.

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expand America's territorial holdings.

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rebuild its dangerously small military and naval forces.

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shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy.

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The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was most influenced by?

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massive steel strikes in western Pennsylvania.

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the shock of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the actions of a "lunatic fringe" in the U. S.

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the demobilization of the American army.

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the tremendous growth of the Socialist party during World War I.

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Those who question whether U. S. policy from 1914-1916 was truly neutral point to?

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the sinking of unarmed ships by German submarines.

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the president's prejudices on racial issues.

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increased U. S. trade with Britain and France.

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the reelection of President Woodrow Wilson.

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Germany's secret diplomacy with Mexico.

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Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918?

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criticism of government leaders or war policies was a crime.

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there were 25 prosecutions and 10 convictions.

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speaking and writing against Germany and Italy was a crime.

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censorship was aimed more at "middle America" than at Socialists or other radicals.

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During World War I, thousands of blacks moved north because?

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the best-paying jobs were located in the industrialized North.

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they would be better protected by northern anti-lynching laws.

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northern cities had finally started to desegregate.

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southerners finally allowed them to leave.

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Which statement best describes the "Irreconcilables" during the debate over the Treaty of Versailles?

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they opposed the Treaty because it failed to adequately protect national minorities in eastern Europe.

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they supported the Treaty if certain changes were made on the reparations issue.

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they were opposed to American participation in the League of Nations on any terms.

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they were willing to accept the Treaty if limitations were placed on U. S. participation in the League of Nations.

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they accepted the Treaty as presented by Wilson but refused to make any changes.

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The Creel Commission during World War I represented the United States' first successful attempt at large-scale governmental?

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armament manufacture.

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food production.

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railroad management.

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What was the primary focus of United States foreign policy in the decade after World War I?

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to defend the price of freedom of the seas.

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to reduce United States commitments to other nations.

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to contain the spread of communism in Eastern Europe.

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to fulfill collective security agreements with Western European nations.

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President Woodrow Wilson sent thousands of troops to Russia in 1918 to?

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subvert the new Russian Bolshevik government.

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act as a peacekeeping force in the Russian civil war.

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aid the new Russian government against Japanese aggression.

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counter Russian aggression against Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

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Such expressions as "liberty cabbage" and "liberty sausage," as used during World War I, were an indication of?

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food shortages.

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American hostile reaction to things German.

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American food relief to Belgium.

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American patriotic fervor to increase the food supply by planting home "victory gardens."

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The global Spanish flu epidemic of 1918?

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struck the United States earlier in 1913.

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killed five times the number of Americans as died of combat deaths in France.

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ended suddenly in 1914.

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all of these choices are correct.

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President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania?

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was to sever diplomatic ties with Germany.

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included a speech in which he said that if Germany was responsible for the killing of any more Americans, then a state of war would exist between the United States and Germany.

Should have chosen

was a series of notes demanding that Germany stop such actions and pay reparations.

Should not have chosen

was conciliatory.

Should not have chosen

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