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The Roaring 1920s through Hoover - Quiz 4


This implemented prohibition and defined an illegal beverage as any one over 1% alcohol by volume.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This 1928 treaty, signed by 63 nations (including the U. S.), was an agreement never to use war as a means of international conflict resolution.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This political scandal involved a cabinet member in President Harding's administration.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

These slums were inhabited by homeless families during the Depression.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This Harlem Renaissance poet and short story writer expressed the despair of blacks and demanded social justice.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

Young women of the 1920s who adopted an original style of dress and challenged traditional societal values.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This 1924 law attempted to facilitate German reparations payments. By loaning $200 million in gold bullion to Germany, the U. S. and its Allies hoped to stabilize the Germany economy.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This 1927 movie was was the first "talkie" motion picture, ending the era of silent films.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

A steady upward trend in the prices of corporate stocks.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

This 1925 case involved a Tennessee law against the teach of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should have chosen

A meeting of major powers that took place between 1921 and 1922 which resulted in an agreement to set limits on the size of each nation's navy.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

A steady downward trend in the prices of corporate stocks.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

The name given to a group of American writers who gathered in Paris after World War I and who wrote about rebellious people, criticized society, and attacked materialism.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Dawes Plan

Should not have chosen

Volsted Act

Should not have chosen

Langston Hughes

Should not have chosen

The Jazz Singer

Should not have chosen

Bear Market

Should not have chosen

Teapot Dome

Should not have chosen

Bull Market

Should not have chosen

Lost Generation

Should have chosen


Should not have chosen

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Washington Conference

Should not have chosen

Scopes Trial

Should not have chosen

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