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World War II - Quiz 1


During the Second World War, African Americans?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

moved from the North to the South to fill vacated agricultural jobs.

Should not have chosen

fought in a segregated military.

Should have chosen

received support from the Roosevelt administration for civil rights legislation.

Should not have chosen

were not allowed to fight in the military.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following was agreed to at the Yalta Conference (1945)?

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the invasion of Sicily.

Should not have chosen

the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers to draft peace treaties.

Should not have chosen

a commitment to open a second front in France.

Should not have chosen

an agreement to divide Germany into four military zones.

Should have chosen

the Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan once Germany was defeated.

Should not have chosen

What happened to the New Deal during World War II?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

since wartime spending brought recovery, neither Roosevelt nor Congress thought the New Deal was needed any more.

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an anti-New Deal coalition moved to end many New Deal programs, and the president adapted to the new political environment.

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although cloaked in wartime labels, several additional New-Deal style agencies were in fact created to provide relief, recovery, and reform.

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all of these choices are correct.

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Which of the following was the MAJOR reason President Truman used to justify his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945?

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he felt it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan.

Should have chosen

he wanted to send a strong warning message to the Russians to watch their step in the Pacific after Japan was defeated.

Should not have chosen

he believed it would be an appropriate revenge for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

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he felt it would end up saving Japanese civilian lives, when compared to the casualties expected from an invasion of Japan.

Should not have chosen

once the bomb was completed, Truman felt he had to use it in order to justify the huge investments in time, resources, scientific expertise, and expense involved in developing it.

Should not have chosen

The Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway were significant in?

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saving the Philippines from being invaded.

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thwarting the Japanese army's drive through Burma.

Should not have chosen

stemming the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific.

Should have chosen

driving the last vestiges of American sea power from the Pacific.

Should not have chosen

During World War II, women did all of the following EXCEPT?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

work in factories.

Should not have chosen

reaffirm traditional patterns for women's lives.

Should have chosen

establish themselves as a vital part of the economy.

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participate in the war effort.

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define a new role in society.

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The increase in the number of Mexican Americans employed in the United States during the early 1940s resulted from?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

wartime labor shortages.

Should have chosen

better relations between them and the Anglo-American population.

Should not have chosen

better living conditions in the cities.

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large-scale government programs to reduce discrimination.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt departed from Woodrow Wilson's wartime practices when he?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

made public our general war aims before the enemy's surrender.

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traveled overseas to make plans for the peace settlement.

Should not have chosen

included members of both political parties in the delegation to the San Francisco Conference.

Should have chosen

engaged actively in political campaigning during the war.

Should not have chosen

put great emphasis on a postwar international organization to preserve peace.

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Attitudes in the United States toward Jews fleeing persecution in Europe during World War II were reflected in the?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

refusal to relax immigration restrictions for Jews.

Should have chosen

emotional welcome given the passengers aboard the St. Louis.

Should not have chosen

monetary and legal assistance given to Jews for immigration.

Should not have chosen

acceptance of Jews in the United States.

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The United States during World War II adopted all of the following strategies EXCEPT?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

unconditional surrender.

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an eventual second front by invading Europe.

Should not have chosen

victory in the European area first.

Should not have chosen

support of de Gaulle's Free French forces.

Should not have chosen

use of atomic bombs on Germany and Japan.

Should have chosen

One of the most important domestic results of the war effort was?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

complete employment for minority Americans.

Should not have chosen

the end of discrimination for African Americans.

Should not have chosen

the revitalization of the Federal Reserve System and the Securities and Exchange System.

Should not have chosen

the swift ending of the Great Depression.

Should have chosen

To ensure that Russia would join the war against Japan, President Roosevelt in 1945?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

threatened to use the atomic bomb on Russian targets.

Should not have chosen

gave Russia the secrets of the American atomic bomb.

Should not have chosen

promised to assume half of the Russian war debt.

Should not have chosen

made certain secret agreements concerning Russian territorial demands.

Should have chosen

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