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World War II - Quiz 2


The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima?

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was opposed by most Americans.

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was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project team of scientists and engineers at Los Alamos, NM.

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began in the spring of 1945.

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was the responsibility of a group of scientists headed by Albert Einstein code named Operation Overlord.

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In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of?

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heavy bombing from Chinese air bases.

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"island hopping" from the South Pacific to within striking distance of Japan.

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invading Japanese strongholds in Southeast Asia.

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fortifying China by transporting supplies from India over the Himalayan "hump."

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The Yalta Conference produced agreements on all of the following topics EXCEPT?

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the organization of the United Nations.

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the Soviet war declaration on Japan in exchange for Soviet possession of the Kurile Islands.

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a self-determination agreement for the war-torn countries of Eastern Europe.

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the Allied invasion of Normandy.

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At the Casablanca Conference in January 1943, the Allies agreed to?

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an invasion of Italy in the spring, invasion of France in 1944, and the concept of "unconditional surrender."

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the division of Poland.

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fight until the world was made "safe for democracy."

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the creation of a United Nations organization after the war.

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At the end of both World War I and World War II, the United States?

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joined a multinational organization aimed at preserving world peace.

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formed military alliances with its allies to guard against invasion by mutual enemies.

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suffered through a recession that made the transition to peace time difficult.

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entered a period of extreme anti-communism that led to the persecution of many suspected radicals.

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President Truman used the atom bomb against Japan for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?

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he believed the bomb was an appropriate response to Pearl Harbor.

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his basic motivation was to save American lives.

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he believed the bomb's power would convince the Soviets not to challenge American supremacy after the war.

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he believed the use of the bomb would make a military invasion of Japan unnecessary.

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The Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily?

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the trial and punishment of Nazi war criminals.

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the decision on whether or not to use the atomic bomb.

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the formation of the United Nations.

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startling revelations of the Nazi atrocities against the Jews.

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American plans for redrawing the map of Eastern Europe.

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Which does NOT describe the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II?

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the Supreme Court upheld their evacuation from the West Coast.

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reparations were finally paid to evacuees about forty years after the end of the war.

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outside California, there was strong public opposition to the internment policy.

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many if the evacuees were United States citizens.

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World War II brought about all of the following changes EXCEPT?

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increasing the number of Americans who moved from rural areas to cities.

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accelerating long-developing social changes for black Americans.

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increasing the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest Americans.

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dramatic changes in the roles and expectations of women.

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accelerating the legal migration of Mexicans to southern California.

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Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during World War II?

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the delay in opening the second front in Europe.

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the refusal to grant the Soviet Union lend-lease aid.

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the American monopoly on atomic bomb technology.

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the adoption of the Europe-first strategy.

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the failure of the West to accept changes in the borders of Poland.

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In World War II the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the U. S. and Great Britain, was to?

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concentrate on defeating Japan first before turning to Germany.

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divide all resources equally between the war against Japan and that against Germany.

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fight only against Japan, leaving the Russians to fight Germany alone.

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take a passive role and limit operations to reacting to Axis moves.

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concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan.

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Issued by President Roosevelt in 1941, Executive Order No. 8802?

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fully integrated the United States armed forces.

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assisted blacks attempting to move out of the South.

Should not have chosen

required defense industries to make jobs available without discrimination based on race, creed, color, or national origin.

Should have chosen

created a presidential commission to study and recommend ways to alleviate wage discrimination based on race and sex.

Should not have chosen

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