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Truman and the Beginning of the Cold War - Quiz 1


The essential element of the policy of containment was?

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a commitment to rolling back communism.

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a rejection of involvement in affairs outside the Western Hemisphere.

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a commitment to holding communism within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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a commitment to working with the Soviet Union.

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a commitment to fight a defensive war against the Japanese while taking the offensive against Germany.

Should not have chosen

President Truman contributed to the anti-Communist fear after the Second World War by?

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recommending that "pro-Communist" books be removed from the nation's libraries and bookstores.

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ordering investigations into the loyalty of federal employees.

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claiming that all liberal Democrats were Communist sympathizers.

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releasing classified information revealing an international Communist conspiracy.

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Most of Truman's Fair Deal program?

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met defeat at the hands of a coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats.

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was defeated by filibuster tactics.

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was passed by a combination of liberal Republicans and Northern Democrats.

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was passed after long debate.

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The Marshall Plan could be be understood as part of an American desire to?

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make communism less appealing to Europeans creating economic prosperity.

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assemble a military alliance against the Soviet Union.

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maintain Western Europe in a state of permanent economic dependence on the United States.

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permanently eliminate the possibility of a threat from an industrialized Germany.

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end the nation's postwar depression by creating viable economic competitors in Europe.

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The Taft-Harley Act of 1947 provided for all of the following EXCEPT?

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permitting employers to sue unions.

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requiring a sixty-day cooling off period before strikes.

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permitting union contributions to political campaigns.

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requiring unions to make public financial statements.

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requiring union leaders to take oaths that they were not Communist party members.

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Truman's response to the Berlin Blockade was to?

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abandon the Western-occupied portions of Berlin.

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give up plans for uniting the three Western zones of Germany.

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use military force to break the blockade of land routes into Berlin.

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airlift all necessary supplies into Berlin for almost a year.

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Harry Truman aided the cause of civil rights by?

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denouncing Southern support in the 1948 presidential election.

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desegregating the armed forces.

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integrating the public schools.

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ordering non-discrimination in a all defense contracts.

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integrating restaurants, movie theaters, and interstate travel.

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The United Nations was able to provide military assistance to South Korea in 1950 because?

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the USSR opposed the North Korean invasion of the South.

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the United States outvoted the Soviet Union.

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the USSR boycotted the session of the Security Council at which the decision was made.

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the General Assembly approved the decision.

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other nations in Southeast Asia pledged their support.

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The main economic problem faced by President Truman in his first term was?

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falling prices.

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a dwindling money supply.

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tight credit.

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The removal of General Douglas MacArthur from command of the United States-United Nations forces during the Korean War exemplifies the constitutional principle of?

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separation of powers.

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federal supremacy.

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freedom of speech.

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civilian control of the military.

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impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Should not have chosen

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