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Society in the 1950s - Quiz 1


From the mid-1920s to the mid-1950s, the duties of the Hays Office involved which of the following?

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First Amendment complaints against the press.

Should not have chosen

enforcement of moral standards in motion pictures.

Should have chosen

consumer protests against poor railroad service

Should not have chosen

All of the following were reasons why a consumer culture appeared in the 1950s EXCEPT?

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the creation of credit cards and easy payments plans.

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an increased ability of advertisers to create demand for new products.

Should not have chosen

the appearance of new and varied products.

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a considerable drop in the prices of consumer goods.

Should have chosen

Homeownership in Levittown in the 1950s was stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT?

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standardized construction methods.

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extensive car ownership and the expanding highway system.

Should not have chosen

the migration of African-Americans from the ghettos to the suburbs.

Should have chosen

low-cost mortgages from the Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration.

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All of the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs EXCEPT?

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low-cost government loans.

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expanded road and highway construction.

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laws forbidding residential segregation by races.

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increased automobile production.

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Which of the following is TRUE of White Citizens' Councils?

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made up primarily of the white power elite within southern communities, they denounced the racist beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan.

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members of these organizations attempted to implement the Brown decision in a peaceful and orderly manner.

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made up primarily of rural whites, these organizations advocated the violent overthrow of the government of the United States.

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supported by white business and professional people, they used their economic power against black civil rights activists.

Should have chosen

A major cause of the movement to the suburbs in the decades following World War II was?

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the growth of the middle class during the post-World War II period.

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greater economic opportunities found in the suburbs.

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the availability of comfortable and efficient railroad transportation from suburban to urban centers.

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opportunities for minorities to find jobs and homes in the suburbs.

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All of the following are true regarding television during the 1950s EXCEPT?

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it altered eating habits at dinnertime with the appearance of TV trays and frozen TV dinners.

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its drama was noted for its "earthiness" and extreme violence.

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it is revered as a classic period in television programming--a "golden age of television."

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it relied heavily on programming that included the variety show and live drama.

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The 1950s saw all of the following demographic shifts EXCEPT?

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some 18 million Americans moved from cities to the suburbs.

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more than 5 million Americans moved from the North and East to the South and West.

Should not have chosen

total United States population grew less than in any previous decade of the 20c.

Should have chosen

millions of rural blacks and Puerto Ricans moved to cities.

Should not have chosen

The decade of the 1950s in the United States was characterized by which of the following?

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more women than men in the legal and medical professions.

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a declining birth rate.

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widespread use of oral contraceptives.

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a steady rise in the number of women employees in the overall work force.

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a decline in the life expectancy of women.

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Silent Spring?

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argued that the use of DDT was dangerous to the entire food chain.

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predicted the consequences of a nuclear power plant "melt-down."

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was Beat poet Allen Ginsberg's denunciation of American materialism.

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described the lack of political involvement of most Americans during the 1950s.

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The mood of the "Beat Generation" is best reflected in which of the following?

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Jack Kerouac's On the Road.

Should have chosen

F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise.

Should not have chosen

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

Should not have chosen

J. D. Sallinger's Catcher in the Rye.

Should not have chosen

James Joyce's Ulysses.

Should not have chosen

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