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Johnson's Great Society - Quiz 3


This conservative Republican Senator from Arizona, who ran unsuccessfully against Johnson in 1964, said that Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

A government insurance program under the Social Security System that pays for the medical care of elderly citizens.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

After much investigation, it came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of President Kennedy.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

A provision of federal law that prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in many educational programs receiving federal funds.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should have chosen

The belief in the 1950s and 1960s that the fall of one nation to Communism would lead to the fall of neighboring countries.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

The young American lieutenant who was brought to trial for the My Lai massacre of Vietnamese civilians.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

President Johnson's domestic programs for social renovation that included VISTA, Job Corps and Head Start.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

This federal law defended the right of African Americans in the South to register to vote.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

In this legislation, Congress gave President Johnson full authority to employ U. S. armed forces in Vietnam.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

The widespread public suspicion that President Johnson's statements about the Vietnam War were not trustworthy.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

This federal agency provided vocational training, day-care centers, and projects to give jobs and opportunities to young Americans, especially those in inner cities.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

Created in 1964, the purpose of this government agency was to fund and coordinate a Job Corps that would give young people a competitive edge in the job market.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

The full-scale attack by Communist forces in 1968 against major South Vietnam cities.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

This federal law declared discrimination on the basis of race and sex to be illegal.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should not have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

A federally funded program for disadvantaged pre-school children.

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer


Should not have chosen

Warren Commission

Should not have chosen

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Should not have chosen

War on Poverty

Should not have chosen

Credibility Gap

Should not have chosen

William Calley

Should not have chosen

Tet Offensive

Should not have chosen

Office for Economic Opportunity

Should not have chosen

Voting Rights Act

Should not have chosen

Haed Start

Should have chosen

Domino Theory

Should not have chosen


Should not have chosen

Barry Goldwater

Should not have chosen

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Should not have chosen

Title IX

Should not have chosen

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