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Ronald Reagan and The New Conservatism - Quiz 2


The savings and loan crisis of the mid-1980s occurred, in part, because of?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the lack of reform in the banking industry.

Should have chosen

reductions in the number of federal regulators and too many S & L investments in high-risk ventures.

Should not have chosen

corrupt practices on the part of government banking inspectors.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, passed in late 1985, included what "automatic" measure designed to achieve a balanced budget?

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tax increases.

Should not have chosen

postponement of interest payments on the national debt.

Should not have chosen

reduction of entitlement benefits.

Should not have chosen

across-the-board budget cuts.

Should have chosen

The INF Treaty?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

was between Italy, the Netherlands, France, and the United States.

Should not have chosen

eliminated intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

Should have chosen

doubled the amount of wheat sold annually to the Soviet Union.

Should not have chosen

concerned whaling rights in the Pacific.

Should not have chosen

The election of 1984 demonstrated that the?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

New Deal coalition was in shambles.

Should have chosen

political power of the Sunbelt was waning.

Should not have chosen

American electorate wanted a repeal of the New Deal.

Should not have chosen

South was still a solidly Democratic stronghold.

Should not have chosen

To weaken the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the Reagan administration?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

endorsed the Contradora peace plan backed by other Latin American nations.

Should not have chosen

relied on peaceful persuasion to encourage the Nicaraguan people to question their government.

Should not have chosen

secured the agreement of European allies to cut off trade with Nicaragua.

Should not have chosen

used the CIA to initiate an anti-Sandinista campaign of sabotage and destruction.

Should have chosen

During his second term, President Reagan faced his gravest foreign policy challenge from Congress over his support for?

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the Contras.

Should have chosen


Should not have chosen

the Sandinistas.

Should not have chosen

Margaret Thatcher.

Should not have chosen

the MX missile system.

Should not have chosen

The conservative movement by 1980 was supported by all of the following EXCEPT?

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Moral Majority.

Should not have chosen

opponents of affirmative action.

Should not have chosen

advocates of gun control.

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critics of "secular humanism."

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citizens against increased taxes.

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In his first year in office, President Reagan tackled the issue of inflation by?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

establishing a Department of Energy.

Should not have chosen

encouraging Congress to pass a new tax law reducing income taxes.

Should have chosen

stopping U. S. military and economic aid to Taiwan.

Should not have chosen

repealing the minimum wage law.

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increasing military support for terrorist activities.

Should not have chosen

In the Reagan Doctrine, the Reagan administration declared that it would?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

end restrictive international trade policies.

Should not have chosen

allow all nations to determine their own political and economic future.

Should not have chosen

openly support anti-Communist forces fighting the Soviets or Soviet-backed governments.

Should have chosen

respect the sovereignty of all nations.

Should not have chosen

The stunning victory of the Republican party in the 1980 election was due primarily to the fact that?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

many Democratic votes were siphoned off by third party candidates.

Should not have chosen

the political pendulum that started its swing toward conservatism a decade earlier was still moving to the right.

Should have chosen

Ronald Reagan was more effective in debating than Jimmy Carter.

Should not have chosen

after twelve years of Democratic rule the voters were ready for a change.

Should not have chosen

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