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American Society Since 1970 - Quiz 1


The baby-boom generation will create a major problem in the future by?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

placing an enormous strain on the Social Security system.

Should have chosen

producing an even larger generation of children than itself.

Should not have chosen

creating a housing surplus.

Should not have chosen

causing immigration restrictions to be imposed upon many deserving people.

Should not have chosen

The Women's Strike of 1970 and the women's movement of the 1970s centered on three central demands. Which one was NOT one of the three?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the removal of the "glass ceiling" in 20% of all corporate management positions.

Should have chosen

equality for women in employment and education.

Should not have chosen

child care centers throughout the nation.

Should not have chosen

women's control over their bodies, including the right to abortion.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following statements about blacks in American society during the 1970s and 1980s is supported by the evidence?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

socially and economically, black Americans were as thoroughly integrated into American society as was possible.

Should not have chosen

integration in America was so advanced that federal intervention was no longer necessary to continue the process.

Should not have chosen

blacks had become such a crucial voting bloc in all regions of the nation that the gains of the civil rights movement could never be undone.

Should not have chosen

two black Americas emerged during these years, one consisting of very poor blacks and the other of an increasingly affluent black middle class.

Should have chosen

By 1980, the American economy was beginning to show a pattern of?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

increased per-worker productivity.

Should not have chosen

massive reinvestment in capital industry.

Should not have chosen

a significant shift from industrial to service employment.

Should have chosen

permanent prosperity.

Should not have chosen

Evangelical Protestants and conservative Catholics in the 1980s and 1990s generally agreed on all of the following issues EXCEPT?

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federal aid to religious schools.

Should not have chosen

opposition to abortion.

Should not have chosen

political participation by the clergy.

Should have chosen

the AIDS disease might be understood as the consequences of immorality.

Should not have chosen

In Bakke v. University of California, the Supreme Court?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

outlawed quotas and upheld the principle of affirmative action.

Should have chosen

upheld quotas and outlawed the principle of affirmative action.

Should not have chosen

outlawed quotas and the principle of affirmative action.

Should not have chosen

upheld quotas and the principles of affirmative action.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

there is no inherent right to privacy embodied in the Constitution; thus, a state may prohibit the sale of contraceptives.

Should not have chosen

the right to privacy is guaranteed by the Constitution; thus, a state does not have the power to regulate sexual acts between consenting adults.

Should not have chosen

the Constitution protects a woman's decision about whether to have an abortion up to the last three months of pregnancy.

Should have chosen

the Constitution protects the rights of the fetus over the rights of the mother after the first three months of pregnancy.

Should not have chosen

In the 1985 case of County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation, the Supreme Court's decision raised the possibility that?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

social discrimination against Native Americans might be outlawed by Congress.

Should not have chosen

Native Americans might gain full civil rights under the Constitution.

Should not have chosen

tribal laws might gain full legal sanction within reservations.

Should not have chosen

Native Americans might reclaim land lost when the federal government violated old treaties.

Should have chosen

The most important method of the 1970s designed to overcome segregation in the schools was?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

state court-mandated desegregation of the real estate market.

Should not have chosen

federal court-ordered busing.

Should have chosen

voluntary desegregation of schools, with a state court oversight.

Should not have chosen

federal court-mandated desegregation of the real estate market.

Should not have chosen

Which of the following was true of women in American society by the mid-1980s?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

they no longer had to contend with occupational segregation.

Should not have chosen

most adult women worked for pay outside the home.

Should have chosen

the earnings gap between women workers and men workers disappeared.

Should not have chosen

most new mothers left the job market permanently.

Should not have chosen

A striking feature of the new wealth of the 1980s was?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

the extent to which people put their money into savings accounts.

Should not have chosen

the degree to which wealth came from moving assets around rather than from creating goods.

Should have chosen

how many new industries were created during the decade.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

The right-to-life movement succeeded in?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

creating a constitutional amendment banning abortions.

Should not have chosen

helping to defeat pro-choice politicians and achieving restrictions on abortions.

Should have chosen

getting the Stewart v. Freeman case to the Supreme Court.

Should not have chosen

all of these choices are correct.

Should not have chosen

Anti-feminism achieved its greatest victory in?

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

blocking ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Should have chosen

getting governments to refuse to pay for abortions under Medicaid.

Should not have chosen

creating the National Organization for Women.

Should not have chosen

getting Congress to pass the Dependent Woman Tax Act, giving tax benefits to dependent women.

Should not have chosen

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